
This documentation describes Solo REST API which provides access to Solo objects. Using Solo REST API, you can easily create your own powerful integration.

Your use of the Solo REST API is subject to this License Agreement

Access Solo REST API

To access Solo REST API you must issue token.


Once you have a token you can use this url to access Solo objects.

Solo objects

Solo objects in Solo REST API are presented in the same hierarchy as is Starsteer. The top level is Project, with the following structure:

Double values

Has a value

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"data" : {
  "val" : 16.581

Not a number value

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"data" : {
  "undefined": true

Double value consists of two fields:

  1. val - field holds a value
  2. undefined - field which is true if a value is not a number value


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "content" : [ ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true,
  "total" : 3

Many of the Solo REST API endpoints return a pageable structure:

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
total Number Total number of records

0. Authentication

Issue token

Authentication using OAuth 2.0


$ curl '' -i -u 'solo-api-client-id:solo-api-secret' -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=ISO-8859-1' \
    -d 'grant_type=password&'
POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic c29sby1hcGktY2xpZW50LWlkOnNvbG8tYXBpLXNlY3JldA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=ISO-8859-1



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 6275f9d919beb1b1
Authorization: 87690506-8631-487d-aa15-016497ac34c9
Set-Cookie: SESSION=ODc2OTA1MDYtODYzMS00ODdkLWFhMTUtMDE2NDk3YWMzNGM5; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

  "access_token" : "eyJraWQiOiI5MDVlZDczMi1mZGZhLTQ1YjYtYTEzYS0xNjhkYjJhODhhMGUiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJjb21wYW55X2lkIjoyMDAwMywiY2xpZW50X2FwcF9pZCI6InBhcGkiLCJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ0ZXN0K2FwaUB0ZXN0LmNvbSIsImNsaWVudF9pbml0X2lwIjoiMTAuMC4wLjIwMSIsInVzZXJfZGlnZXN0IjoiOGI5ZWVhMzc3NyIsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIlJPTEVfU1RBRkYiXSwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoic29sby1hcGktY2xpZW50LWlkIiwiYXVkIjoic29sby1wdWJsaWMtYXBpIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6MTQ5Nywic2NvcGUiOlsicmVhZCJdLCJleHAiOjE3Mzc3MjczNjIsImlhdCI6MTczNzcxNzM2MiwianRpIjoiZGFhNDJjNGUtMmQ0NS00ODgyLWI2MDUtNTAzZTQ5M2U0ZWQwIn0.T-IfVv1aQpeSzZeHTwnO8WqwtqBex2WgPmM-bMpxh0YeD-kEaRWvNC3J--N-i0QjD7VH2xq2EVRpkX_abK1D8fjgj-3ejFW3Fj6KrHSELlgSbraaYOvz7IXTYrJ-e9nbZswwyb3zIue0q6v6xuXqHOY9_ai5OOVgJ3mQXFXEpuWbfAW5q4XxsB9oDEaSjsOUO2NLm8YPQikVGCQNjoPaeQgu1zaEQkMoEey7IfUORwM99w9mRBgEPzxv-jXvAtCqK_TaasdbapRS6sjaErr9CsngKkYaedvNdivhxySRpWXTuQyH99VqVDCKKCDnk9T2M7Od5O5WBZtB36I2A_Ey5w",
  "refresh_token" : "eyJraWQiOiI5MDVlZDczMi1mZGZhLTQ1YjYtYTEzYS0xNjhkYjJhODhhMGUiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJjb21wYW55X2lkIjoyMDAwMywiY2xpZW50X2FwcF9pZCI6InBhcGkiLCJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ0ZXN0K2FwaUB0ZXN0LmNvbSIsImNsaWVudF9pbml0X2lwIjoiMTAuMC4wLjIwMSIsInVzZXJfZGlnZXN0IjoiOGI5ZWVhMzc3NyIsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIlJPTEVfU1RBRkYiXSwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoic29sby1hcGktY2xpZW50LWlkIiwiYXVkIjoic29sby1wdWJsaWMtYXBpIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6MTQ5Nywic2NvcGUiOlsicmVhZCJdLCJleHAiOjE3Mzc3NDczNjIsImlhdCI6MTczNzcxNzM2MiwianRpIjoiZjczN2JjZmQtZDA4Ni00MmE4LThlMzctMTQ4N2ZjYzM2OGI2In0.C4sT5Lovs5Q5jZr2S8u1JP_UEGNpMdxK4TZLehlJxHJ0mZ_h6sjp1CRR6W5tOtToZKvBxfZ_6f82gV4axhgBu4rjAAdrj7-lFU-Oz_0q-zCNgmGMmzJj0S2HAl59QF0e2qmRca_DFKqjAx-h3ROEcLFI5OJqlJpd528zJYyZMWxWIrE6oxxUlrCbcc8FgftxG0UD5wmakTQb-X7NkraK1VZbJiViXDnLgKFSxTZW28QKVh000E2yysIbMM24jtk4KDScEjeDL3w1t3sp8USPwDK9IPk1LDwFWgrrK3DEIHG1Q89fwr9sYswtxOvk4NVtGFh3ZI3MjUj0VWawRA6EWQ",
  "scope" : "read",
  "token_type" : "Bearer",
  "expires_in" : 9999,
  "iat" : 1737717362,
  "jti" : "daa42c4e-2d45-4882-b605-503e493e4ed0"

POST /oauth/token

Parameter Description
grant_type The type of grant being presented in exchange for an access and refresh token. Can be password or refresh_token
username User name in Solo to access a project
password User password in Solo to access a project
Header Description
Authorization Authorization header in the following format Basic credentials
credentials is a client_id:secret string encoded in base64 (standard http basic authorization).
client_id is a unique client identifier to access the public api.
secret is a unique client secret string to access the public api.

Response body

Path Type Description
access_token String Access token issued by the authorization server
token_type String Token type
refresh_token String Refresh token associated with the access token
expires_in Number Lifetime in seconds of the access token. For example, the value 3600 denotes that the access token will expire in one hour from the time the response was generated
scope String Scope of the token
iat Number Time at which the token was issued
jti String Unique token identifier

1. Projects

Get projects

Get a list of company projects with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/projects?filter=pApi&offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: c6590b83a0de915b
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "db6e91f0-7ea4-4155-9fad-81f7f988dbc8",
    "name" : "Papi test project 1",
    "measure_unit" : "FOOT",
    "role" : "MANAGER",
    "accessed_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z",
    "modified_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "8ce026d2-94e1-42b6-a841-fc668ff1d7dc",
    "name" : "Papi test project 2",
    "measure_unit" : "METER",
    "role" : "MANAGER",
    "geo_crs" : {
      "code" : 2000,
      "authority" : "EPSG",
      "name" : "Anguilla 1957 / British West Indies Grid",
      "measure_unit" : "METER"
    "accessed_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z",
    "modified_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "bd195a5f-ac37-449f-a885-acd4071c559d",
    "name" : "Papi test project 3",
    "measure_unit" : "FOOT",
    "role" : "MANAGER",
    "geo_crs" : {
      "code" : 2270,
      "authority" : "EPSG",
      "name" : "NAD83 / Oregon South (ft)",
      "measure_unit" : "FOOT"
    "accessed_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z",
    "modified_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 3,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/projects

Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter projects by the 'name' field. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Project UUID
content[].name String Project name
content[].measure_unit String Measurement units (possible values: METER, FOOT, METER_FOOT)
content[].role String Role
content[].accessed_on String Date/time project last accessed at
content[].modified_on String Date/time project last modified at
content[].geo_crs Object Coordinate reference system (CRS) information
content[].geo_crs.code Varies CRS code
content[].geo_crs.authority Varies Authority
content[] Varies CRS name
content[].geo_crs.measure_unit Varies CRS measure unit

Get virtual projects

Get a list of company virtual projects with paginations. Virtual projects use a subset of data from a Global Project and have their own access roles defined in the SOLO Admin Panel. They can be easily managed for specific users and any changes made are updated across the database. Data added to a Virtual Project is also added to the corresponding Global Project


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/projects/virtual?filter=pApi&offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 42b8d9620c1a035a
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "5c6cfe57-f1a0-48c3-bdc2-8d60cb77e29c",
    "name" : "Virtual Papi test project 1",
    "measure_unit" : "FOOT",
    "role" : "MANAGER",
    "parent_uuid" : "db6e91f0-7ea4-4155-9fad-81f7f988dbc8",
    "parent_name" : "Papi test project 1",
    "virtual" : true,
    "modified_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "068fc0f5-f706-49ac-b1a0-d1c5ecf06014",
    "name" : "Virtual Papi test project 2",
    "measure_unit" : "METER",
    "role" : "MANAGER",
    "geo_crs" : {
      "code" : 2000,
      "authority" : "EPSG",
      "name" : "Anguilla 1957 / British West Indies Grid",
      "measure_unit" : "METER"
    "parent_uuid" : "8ce026d2-94e1-42b6-a841-fc668ff1d7dc",
    "parent_name" : "Papi test project 2",
    "virtual" : true,
    "modified_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "e4ace745-a51e-4a21-b7a2-54de90bae317",
    "name" : "Virtual Papi test project 3",
    "measure_unit" : "FOOT",
    "role" : "MANAGER",
    "geo_crs" : {
      "code" : 2270,
      "authority" : "EPSG",
      "name" : "NAD83 / Oregon South (ft)",
      "measure_unit" : "FOOT"
    "parent_uuid" : "bd195a5f-ac37-449f-a885-acd4071c559d",
    "parent_name" : "Papi test project 3",
    "virtual" : true,
    "modified_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 3,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/projects/virtual

Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter virtual projects by the 'name' field. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Virtual project UUID
content[].name String Virtual project name
content[].measure_unit String Measurement units (possible values: METER, FOOT, METER_FOOT)
content[].role String Role
content[].accessed_on String Date/time project last accessed at
content[].modified_on String Date/time project last modified at
content[].geo_crs Object Coordinate reference system (CRS) information
content[].parent_uuid String Parent project UUID
content[].parent_name String Parent project name
content[].virtual Boolean Whether the project is virtual
content[].geo_crs.code Varies CRS code
content[].geo_crs.authority Varies Authority
content[] Varies CRS name
content[].geo_crs.measure_unit Varies CRS measure unit

Get project

Get a single project info


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/projects/bd195a5f-ac37-449f-a885-acd4071c559d HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 1db805cc5d51bd8f
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "bd195a5f-ac37-449f-a885-acd4071c559d",
  "name" : "Papi test project 3",
  "measure_unit" : "FOOT",
  "role" : "MANAGER",
  "geo_crs" : {
    "code" : 2270,
    "authority" : "EPSG",
    "name" : "NAD83 / Oregon South (ft)",
    "measure_unit" : "FOOT"
  "accessed_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z",
  "modified_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:26Z"

GET /public/api/v1/projects/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Project UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Project UUID
name String Project name
measure_unit String Measurement units (possible values: METER, FOOT, METER_FOOT)
role String Role
accessed_on String Date/time project last accessed at
modified_on String Date/time project last modified at
geo_crs Object Coordinate reference system (CRS) information
geo_crs.code Number CRS code
geo_crs.authority String Authority String CRS name
geo_crs.measure_unit String CRS measure unit

Get recently updated objects

Get recently updated project objects


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "modified_since" : "2025-01-24T11:14:26.598Z"
POST /public/api/v1/projects/bd195a5f-ac37-449f-a885-acd4071c559d/changes HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 51

  "modified_since" : "2025-01-24T11:14:26.598Z"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 5baeb7736ca6feb8
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "3bdf9137-bf14-42f5-9d18-1f530bbe5561",
    "type" : "WELL",
    "operation" : "CREATE"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "90b770b3-1e59-4c9e-bb8f-9b879ac82e51",
    "type" : "TYPEWELL",
    "operation" : "CREATE"
  } ],
  "modified_on" : "2025-01-24T11:15:27.072Z",
  "modified_at" : "2025-01-24T11:15:27.072+00:00"

POST /public/api/v1/projects/{uuid}/changes

Path parameter Description
uuid Project UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
modified_since String Date/time project modifications request since (pay attention to format)

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
modified_at String Date/time project last modified at
content[].uuid String Project object UUID
content[].type String Project object type
content[].operation String Operation performed on the object

2. Laterals

Create lateral

Create lateral by project UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Lateral name",
  "operator" : "operator",
  "api" : "api",
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 90.0
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 45.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 0.3
  "tieintvd" : {
    "val" : 0.4
  "tieinns" : {
    "val" : 0.5
  "tieinew" : {
    "val" : 0.6
  "xsrfreal" : {
    "val" : 100.0
  "ysrfreal" : {
    "val" : 500.0
POST /public/api/v1/projects/097cf0bb-71fe-405a-8b74-b044c879a20e/wells HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 377

  "name" : "Lateral name",
  "operator" : "operator",
  "api" : "api",
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 90.0
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 45.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 0.3
  "tieintvd" : {
    "val" : 0.4
  "tieinns" : {
    "val" : 0.5
  "tieinew" : {
    "val" : 0.6
  "xsrfreal" : {
    "val" : 100.0
  "ysrfreal" : {
    "val" : 500.0


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: e8bbfbc93a12bbd2
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "7fcb9b6a-403c-4f98-9f68-ca05b8fd6fde"

POST /public/api/v1/projects/{uuid}/wells

Path parameter Description
uuid Project UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Lateral name
operator String Operator name
api String API lateral number
convergence.val Number Convergence
azimuth.val Number AzimuthVS
kb.val Number Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL
tieintvd.val Number TieInTvd
tieinns.val Number TieInNs
tieinew.val Number TieInEw
xsrfreal.val Number X surface wellbore coordinate
ysrfreal.val Number Y surface wellbore coordinate

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created lateral UUID

Get laterals by project

Get a list of laterals by project UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/projects/097cf0bb-71fe-405a-8b74-b044c879a20e/wells?offset=0&limit=10&filter=oNe HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 43b275b2a9d61ce7
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "0d599a42-61bb-464b-af98-4751bd9cfabd",
    "name" : "Lateral one",
    "api" : "api lateral one",
    "flags" : {
      "has_logs" : false,
      "has_topsets" : false,
      "has_interpretations" : false,
      "has_nested_wells" : false,
      "has_mudlogs" : false,
      "has_target_lines" : false
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/projects/{uuid}/wells

Path parameter Description
uuid Project UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter laterals by the 'name' or 'api' fields. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Lateral UUID
content[].name String Lateral name
content[].api String API lateral number
content[].flags.has_logs Boolean Flag indicating the presence of logs
content[].flags.has_topsets Boolean Flag indicating the presence of topsets
content[].flags.has_interpretations Boolean Flag indicating the presence of interpretations
content[].flags.has_nested_wells Boolean Flag indicating the presence of nested wells
content[].flags.has_mudlogs Boolean Flag indicating the presence of mudlogs
content[].flags.has_target_lines Boolean Flag indicating the presence of target lines

Get laterals by API filter

Get a list of laterals by API filter with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/api-filtered?offset=0&limit=10&filter=lateral%20t HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: b9a9a1c41f57a406
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "775e964a-98be-4fc3-9ba9-f015acbada1c",
    "name" : "Lateral two",
    "api" : "api lateral two",
    "flags" : {
      "has_logs" : false,
      "has_topsets" : false,
      "has_interpretations" : false,
      "has_nested_wells" : false,
      "has_mudlogs" : false,
      "has_target_lines" : false
    "project_uuid" : "097cf0bb-71fe-405a-8b74-b044c879a20e",
    "project_role" : "MANAGER"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "9bd20b35-9780-4e50-a96a-6f652fd7019f",
    "name" : "Lateral three",
    "api" : "api lateral three",
    "flags" : {
      "has_logs" : false,
      "has_topsets" : false,
      "has_interpretations" : false,
      "has_nested_wells" : false,
      "has_mudlogs" : false,
      "has_target_lines" : false
    "project_uuid" : "097cf0bb-71fe-405a-8b74-b044c879a20e",
    "project_role" : "MANAGER"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 2,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/api-filtered

Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter laterals by the 'api' field. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Lateral UUID
content[].name String Lateral name
content[].api String API lateral number
content[].flags.has_logs Boolean Flag indicating the presence of logs
content[].flags.has_topsets Boolean Flag indicating the presence of topsets
content[].flags.has_interpretations Boolean Flag indicating the presence of interpretations
content[].flags.has_nested_wells Boolean Flag indicating the presence of nested wells
content[].flags.has_mudlogs Boolean Flag indicating the presence of mudlogs
content[].flags.has_target_lines Boolean Flag indicating the presence of target lines
content[].project_uuid String Project UUID
content[].project_role String Role

Get lateral metadata

Get lateral metadata


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/9bd20b35-9780-4e50-a96a-6f652fd7019f HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 448730ba41fcdedc
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "9bd20b35-9780-4e50-a96a-6f652fd7019f",
  "name" : "Lateral three",
  "operator" : "string",
  "api" : "api lateral three",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 19.68503937007874
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 32.808398950131235
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 22.96587926509186
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 3.280839895013123
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.0

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Lateral UUID
name String Lateral name
operator String Operator name
api String API lateral number
xsrf.val Number X surface coordinate
ysrf.val Number Y surface coordinate
kb.val Number Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL
azimuth.val Number AzimuthVS
convergence.val Number Convergence
tie_in_tvd.val Number Tie in tvd coordinates
tie_in_ns.val Number Tie in NS
tie_in_ew.val Number Tie in EW
last_feed_stream_date String Timestamp of last update by Solo Feed

Get lateral trajectory

Get lateral trajectory data by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/06764e4a-3415-4b03-b3d9-992f4c517c85/trajectory HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 705356930028e2da
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 0.0
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 0.0
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 0.0
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 3280.839895013124
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 0.4583662361046284
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 0.0
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 4921.259842519686
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 84.79775367935625
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 9.740282517223354
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 13123.359580052496
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 89.95437383553333
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 9.740282517223354
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/trajectory

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Trajectory points array
content[].md.val Number Measured Depth value in project units
content[].incl.val Number Inclination value (degrees)
content[].azim.val Number Azimuth value (degrees)

Get starred objects

Get starred objects by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/0ade1351-ad61-4c67-98bb-de88df93a69f/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: f930bf0691b301d8
Content-Type: application/json

  "target_line" : "9f1dd793-2515-43b9-bdda-7cc01d63012e",
  "nested_well" : "dfeb3312-74b0-4a05-9418-4a55d085fcea",
  "interpretation" : "4e71a7d3-e8b7-4bda-b5ec-af34951cd04f",
  "topset" : "b330770c-1728-49d0-b0cf-a66bbd66219e"

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
target_line String Starred target line UUID
nested_well String Starred nested well UUID
interpretation String Starred interpretation UUID
topset String Starred topset UUID

Get linked typewells

Get linked typewells by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/61044788-1dc0-4948-ba4c-49e890b9d9a2/linked?offset=0&limit=10 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 52247f74eede477d
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "shift" : {
      "val" : 1640.4199475065616
    "typewell_id" : "a97bce02-5305-47ab-8d6b-53f0641016a4"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/linked

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].shift.val Number Typewell shift
content[].typewell_id String Typewell UUID

Get bit projection

Get bit projection by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/bb1e4bc8-e386-431b-9907-400403c28f85/bitprojection HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 753ac382c5d8a0ac
Content-Type: application/json

  "mode" : "CALCULATED",
  "sub_mode" : "DLS_TF",
  "distance_to_bit" : {
    "val" : 30.0
  "dls" : {
    "val" : 9.499999999999998
  "tool_face" : {
    "val" : 120.49999999999999
  "continuous_inclination_log" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "last_log_point_log" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/bitprojection

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
sub_mode String Can be [TREND, DLS_TF, CONT_INCL_LOG]
distance_to_bit.val Number Distance to Bit (range [0; 100000])
dls.val Number Dogleg Severity value (range [0; 60])
tool_face.val Number Tool face value (range [-180; 180])
continuous_inclination_log String Continuous inclination log UUID
last_log_point_log String Last point log UUID

Update lateral metadata

Update lateral metadata


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Lateral name",
  "api" : "api lateral",
  "operator" : "string",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 60.5
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 100.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 70.0
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 1.0
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.0
PATCH /public/api/v1/wells/0d599a42-61bb-464b-af98-4751bd9cfabd HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 379

  "name" : "Lateral name",
  "api" : "api lateral",
  "operator" : "string",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 60.5
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 100.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 70.0
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 1.0
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.0


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 56eb22dda279b709

PATCH /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Lateral name
operator String Operator name
api String API lateral number
xsrf.val Number X surface coordinate
ysrf.val Number Y surface coordinate
kb.val Number Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL
azimuth.val Number Well azimuth (degrees)
convergence.val Number Convergence
tie_in_tvd.val Number Tie in tvd coordinates
tie_in_ns.val Number Tie in NS
tie_in_ew.val Number Tie in EW

Response body

Empty body

Extend lateral trajectory

Extend lateral trajectory (note that 'azim' can be used for a trajectory station azimuth as well as 'azi')


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]
PATCH /public/api/v1/wells/0d599a42-61bb-464b-af98-4751bd9cfabd/trajectory HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 344

  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 86cda1d85de454ec

PATCH /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/trajectory

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
md_uom String Depth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the lateral. Accepted values: m, ft
incl_uom String Inclination measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the lateral. Accepted values: dega, rad
azi_uom String Azimuth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the lateral. Accepted values: dega, rad
trajectory_stations Array Lateral trajectory data array
trajectory_stations[].md.val Number Depth data value
trajectory_stations[].incl.val Number Inclination data value
trajectory_stations[].azi.val Number Azimuth data value

Response body

Empty body

Replace lateral trajectory

Replace lateral trajectory (note that 'azim' can be used for a trajectory station azimuth as well as 'azi')


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]
PUT /public/api/v1/wells/0d599a42-61bb-464b-af98-4751bd9cfabd/trajectory HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 344

  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 3a0406159de030bc

PUT /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/trajectory

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
md_uom String Depth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the lateral. Accepted values: m, ft
incl_uom String Inclination measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the lateral. Accepted values: dega, rad
azi_uom String Azimuth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the lateral. Accepted values: dega, rad
trajectory_stations Array Lateral trajectory data array
trajectory_stations[].md.val Number Depth data value
trajectory_stations[].incl.val Number Inclination data value
trajectory_stations[].azi.val Number Azimuth data value

Response body

Empty body

Set starred objects

Set starred objects by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "targetline" : "9f1dd793-2515-43b9-bdda-7cc01d63012e",
  "nestedwell" : "dfeb3312-74b0-4a05-9418-4a55d085fcea",
  "interpretation" : "4e71a7d3-e8b7-4bda-b5ec-af34951cd04f",
  "topset" : "b330770c-1728-49d0-b0cf-a66bbd66219e"
PUT /public/api/v1/wells/0ade1351-ad61-4c67-98bb-de88df93a69f/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 230

  "targetline" : "9f1dd793-2515-43b9-bdda-7cc01d63012e",
  "nestedwell" : "dfeb3312-74b0-4a05-9418-4a55d085fcea",
  "interpretation" : "4e71a7d3-e8b7-4bda-b5ec-af34951cd04f",
  "topset" : "b330770c-1728-49d0-b0cf-a66bbd66219e"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 3fe3e532ea33a0e9

PUT /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
targetline String Target line UUID to set starred (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)
nestedwell String Nested well UUID to set starred (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)
interpretation String Interpretation UUID to set starred (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)
topset String Topset UUID to set starred (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)

Response body

Empty body

Set bit projection

Set bit projection by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "mode" : "CALCULATED",
  "sub_mode" : "DLS_TF",
  "distance_to_bit" : {
    "val" : 30.0
  "dls" : {
    "val" : 9.5
  "tool_face" : {
    "val" : 120.5
  "last_log_point_log" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
PUT /public/api/v1/wells/eeebbbe3-7463-4d4f-9cc8-3e992db75669/bitprojection HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 237

  "mode" : "CALCULATED",
  "sub_mode" : "DLS_TF",
  "distance_to_bit" : {
    "val" : 30.0
  "dls" : {
    "val" : 9.5
  "tool_face" : {
    "val" : 120.5
  "last_log_point_log" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 38caacc247aec919

PUT /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/bitprojection

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
sub_mode String Can be [TREND, DLS_TF, CONT_INCL_LOG] for CALCULATED mode
distance_to_bit.val Number Distance to Bit (range [0; 100000])
dls.val Number Dogleg Severity value (range [0; 60])
tool_face.val Number Tool face value (range [-180; 180])
continuous_inclination_log String Continuous inclination log UUID
last_log_point_log String Last point log UUID

Response body

Empty body

Lock lateral

Lock lateral by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/wells/599dabb7-bad3-4486-a44f-592757a7dcfe/lock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 7407c7190909a75c

PATCH /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/lock

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

Unlock lateral

Unlock lateral by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/wells/b5fe9130-64bb-4f60-9ff6-724879ee699c/unlock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: e9b03133d9f9b1fa

PATCH /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/unlock

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

3. Interpretations

Create interpretation

Create interpretation by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Interpretation name"
POST /public/api/v1/wells/92433b2d-f330-45c8-a271-addd2d05068b/interpretations HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 36

  "name" : "Interpretation name"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 014287e58e6bc442
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "5e701280-c10b-40c5-9c58-61ee520757a7"

POST /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/interpretations

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Interpretation name

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created interpretation UUID

Get interpretations by lateral

Get a list of interpretations by lateral UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/92433b2d-f330-45c8-a271-addd2d05068b/interpretations?filter=test&offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: b6dbd729fc7a1844
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "e0daf832-4240-4655-b3f3-075b932bb7e5",
    "name" : "test interpretation 1",
    "format" : {
      "extension_grid_uuid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "reverse_extension" : false
  }, {
    "uuid" : "bc514c9a-8e34-4d2f-9f4e-d30e19f9e159",
    "name" : "test interpretation 2",
    "format" : {
      "extension_grid_uuid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "reverse_extension" : false
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 2,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/interpretations

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter interpretations by the 'name' field. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Interpretation name
content[].uuid String Interpretation UUID
content[].format.extension_grid_uuid String Extension grid UUID
content[].format.reverse_extension Boolean Is it reverse extension or not

Get starred objects

Get starred objects by interpretation UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/interpretations/ca4dd5be-7e59-48a1-b05f-8a6b129ebb48/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 753c4d20d4c68ce8
Content-Type: application/json

  "top" : "4fa3b849-0fb8-4b0e-bc6e-4fefd3ecd002",
  "center" : "efe0f858-2259-4be3-a097-e171bb0d3492",
  "bottom" : "be3a67d7-243b-411f-8be4-74826c01c7b5"

GET /public/api/v1/interpretations/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Interpretation UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
top String Starred top horizon UUID
center String Starred center horizon UUID
bottom String Starred bottom horizon UUID

Set starred objects

Set starred objects by interpretation UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "top" : "4fa3b849-0fb8-4b0e-bc6e-4fefd3ecd002",
  "center" : "efe0f858-2259-4be3-a097-e171bb0d3492",
  "bottom" : "be3a67d7-243b-411f-8be4-74826c01c7b5"
PUT /public/api/v1/interpretations/ca4dd5be-7e59-48a1-b05f-8a6b129ebb48/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 158

  "top" : "4fa3b849-0fb8-4b0e-bc6e-4fefd3ecd002",
  "center" : "efe0f858-2259-4be3-a097-e171bb0d3492",
  "bottom" : "be3a67d7-243b-411f-8be4-74826c01c7b5"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 70d309de70f9c3ba

PUT /public/api/v1/interpretations/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Interpretation UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
top String Horizon UUID to be set as starred top (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)
center String Horizon UUID to be set as starred center (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)
bottom String Horizon UUID to be set as starred bottom (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)

Response body

Empty body

Get auto-typewells by interpretation

Get a list of auto-typewells by interpretation UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/interpretations/e0c5ef9b-bfa2-431f-96a1-0285eceaa0a1/autotypewells HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: d000f322dede7dfa
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "auto_typewell_uuid" : "0544fe8c-cc62-40b7-a02e-87e57e5a11d3"
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/interpretations/{uuid}/autotypewells

Path parameter Description
uuid Interpretation UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
content[].auto_typewell_uuid String Auto-typewell UUID

Lock interpretation

Lock interpretation by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/interpretations/92c1160a-d9d1-4bbb-888d-2960faad60f2/lock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: e3121691b2ab0291

PATCH /public/api/v1/interpretations/{uuid}/lock

Path parameter Description
uuid Interpretation UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

Unlock interpretation

Unlock interpretation by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/interpretations/d9539e78-200f-4b83-af2c-8784adfc007e/unlock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: ee96604eaf05d257

PATCH /public/api/v1/interpretations/{uuid}/unlock

Path parameter Description
uuid Interpretation UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

4. Horizons

Get horizons metadata

Get a list of horizons by interpretation UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/interpretations/d5a95a27-f522-4be2-9bbe-246a8cec6f2c/horizons?filter=tEst&offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: fb758c26e922069f
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "2cbfeb3d-96e8-422e-817e-f7c9094b84d0",
    "name" : "Test horizon 1"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "7f3a6c66-4fa1-40e8-b0cf-ea9440ea433a",
    "name" : "Test horizon 2"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "9214cd8e-8ba7-4c1c-92b0-4491f11dbfee",
    "name" : "Test horizon 3"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 3,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/interpretations/{uuid}/horizons

Path parameter Description
uuid Interpretation UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter horizons by the 'name' field. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Horizon name
content[].uuid String Horizon UUID

Get horizons data by interpretation

Get calculated horizons data by interpretation UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/interpretations/1c698564-b6e6-4154-8130-cbf583aabbf4/horizons/data/spacing/5000 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 8367d2ee0e4eb60d
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "azimuth" : {
      "val" : 71.543
    "horizons" : [ {
      "name" : "!new Hor",
      "tvdss" : {
        "val" : 22.965879265091868
      "uuid" : "e982900e-d802-4890-a9fc-17efefe1731f"
    }, {
      "name" : "Horizon1",
      "tvdss" : {
        "val" : -3257.8740157480324
      "uuid" : "0618fded-ba94-4e06-9e47-47ba06577f75"
    } ],
    "inclination" : {
      "val" : 0
    "kb" : {
      "val" : 22.965879265091868
    "md" : {
      "val" : 0
    "tvt" : {
      "val" : 0
    "vs_azim" : {
      "azimuth" : {
        "val" : 0
      "vs" : {
        "val" : 3.280839895013124
    "well_name" : "Lateral",
    "x" : {
      "val" : 19.68503937007874
    "y" : {
      "val" : 36.08923884514436
    "z" : {
      "val" : 22.965879265091868
  }, {
    "azimuth" : {
      "val" : 149.253
    "horizons" : [ {
      "name" : "!new Hor",
      "tvdss" : {
        "val" : 22.965879265091868
      "uuid" : "e982900e-d802-4890-a9fc-17efefe1731f"
    }, {
      "name" : "Horizon1",
      "tvdss" : {
        "val" : -3257.8740157480324
      "uuid" : "0618fded-ba94-4e06-9e47-47ba06577f75"
    } ],
    "inclination" : {
      "val" : 1.33
    "kb" : {
      "val" : 22.965879265091868
    "md" : {
      "val" : 3280.839895013124
    "tvt" : {
      "val" : 3280.0196063852154
    "vs_azim" : {
      "azimuth" : {
        "val" : 0
      "vs" : {
        "val" : -60.07861128428071
    "well_name" : "Lateral",
    "x" : {
      "val" : 53.715600823725445
    "y" : {
      "val" : -27.270212334149477
    "z" : {
      "val" : -3257.0537271201238
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/interpretations/{uuid}/horizons/data/spacing/{spacing}

Path parameter Description
uuid Interpretation UUID
spacing Spacing value
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content[].azimuth.val Number Well azimuth (degrees)
content[].inclination.val Number Well inclination (degrees)
content[].kb.val Number KB (project units)
content[].md.val Number MD (project units)
content[].tvt.val Number TVT (project units)
content[].well_name String Well name
content[].x.val Number X (project units)
content[].y.val Number Y (project units)
content[].z.val Number Z (project units)
content[].vs_azim.azimuth.val Number Well azimuth VS (degrees)
content[].vs_azim.vs.val Number VS (project units)
content[].horizons[].name String Horizon name
content[].horizons[].tvdss.val Number TVDSS (project units)
content[].horizons[].uuid String Horizon UUID

Get horizons data by lateral

Get calculated horizons data by lateral UUID with pagination (one element per page)


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/24ab1380-5d8d-48f1-85f9-a2258d6c4c44/horizons/data/spacing/5000?offset=0 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: bb8fecee97781146
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "azimuth" : {
      "val" : 71.543
    "horizons" : [ {
      "name" : "!new Hor",
      "tvdss" : {
        "val" : 22.965879265091868
      "uuid" : "e982900e-d802-4890-a9fc-17efefe1731f"
    }, {
      "name" : "Horizon1",
      "tvdss" : {
        "val" : -3257.8740157480324
      "uuid" : "0618fded-ba94-4e06-9e47-47ba06577f75"
    } ],
    "inclination" : {
      "val" : 0
    "kb" : {
      "val" : 22.965879265091868
    "md" : {
      "val" : 0
    "tvt" : {
      "val" : 0
    "vs_azim" : {
      "azimuth" : {
        "val" : 0
      "vs" : {
        "val" : 3.280839895013124
    "well_name" : "Lateral",
    "x" : {
      "val" : 19.68503937007874
    "y" : {
      "val" : 36.08923884514436
    "z" : {
      "val" : 22.965879265091868
  }, {
    "azimuth" : {
      "val" : 149.253
    "horizons" : [ {
      "name" : "!new Hor",
      "tvdss" : {
        "val" : 22.965879265091868
      "uuid" : "e982900e-d802-4890-a9fc-17efefe1731f"
    }, {
      "name" : "Horizon1",
      "tvdss" : {
        "val" : -3257.8740157480324
      "uuid" : "0618fded-ba94-4e06-9e47-47ba06577f75"
    } ],
    "inclination" : {
      "val" : 1.33
    "kb" : {
      "val" : 22.965879265091868
    "md" : {
      "val" : 3280.839895013124
    "tvt" : {
      "val" : 3280.0196063852154
    "vs_azim" : {
      "azimuth" : {
        "val" : 0
      "vs" : {
        "val" : -60.07861128428071
    "well_name" : "Lateral",
    "x" : {
      "val" : 53.715600823725445
    "y" : {
      "val" : -27.270212334149477
    "z" : {
      "val" : -3257.0537271201238
  } ],
  "interpretation" : {
    "uuid" : "1c698564-b6e6-4154-8130-cbf583aabbf4",
    "name" : "Interpretation"
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 1,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/horizons/data/spacing/{spacing}

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
spacing Spacing value
Parameter Description
offset Each value corresponds to an ordinal index (0 .. N, where N - the total number of interpretations in specified well) of a separate interpretation with its calculated horizons range
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].azimuth.val Number Well azimuth (degrees)
content[].inclination.val Number Well inclination (degrees)
content[].kb.val Number KB (project units)
content[].md.val Number MD (project units)
content[].tvt.val Number TVT (project units)
content[].well_name String Well name
content[].x.val Number X (project units)
content[].y.val Number Y (project units)
content[].z.val Number Z (project units)
content[].vs_azim.azimuth.val Number Well azimuth VS (degrees)
content[].vs_azim.vs.val Number VS (project units)
content[].horizons[].name String Horizon name
content[].horizons[].tvdss.val Number TVDSS (project units)
content[].horizons[].uuid String Horizon UUID String Interpretation name
interpretation.uuid String Interpretation UUID

5. Nested wells

Create nested well

Create nested well. Another term for a Nested well is a well plan. It's often referred to as a 'well plan object' in StarSteer and Solo


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Nested well name",
  "operator" : "operator",
  "api" : "api",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 0.1
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 0.2
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 0.3
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.4
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 0.5
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.6
POST /public/api/v1/wells/803c832e-56b9-4f99-b853-0348a088da17/nestedwells HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 295

  "name" : "Nested well name",
  "operator" : "operator",
  "api" : "api",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 0.1
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 0.2
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 0.3
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.4
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 0.5
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.6


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 3d84cef7c9ee7f8a
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "d5c1b36e-b418-4870-a225-220cf4294277"

POST /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/nestedwells

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Nested well name
operator String Operator name
api String Wellbore identifier
xsrf.val Number X surface wellbore coordinate
ysrf.val Number Y surface wellbore coordinate
kb.val Number Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL
tie_in_ew.val Number TieInEw
tie_in_ns.val Number TieInNs
tie_in_tvd.val Number TieInTvd

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created nested well UUID

Get nested wells by lateral

Get a list of nested wells by lateral UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/5c5601ba-32ac-4ec8-a7fc-cc371dd8e327/nestedwells?offset=0&limit=10&filter=oNe HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 2d909dadc891501a
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "0f9ad1e6-eb4c-403f-99e2-a9eba9f05fd3",
    "name" : "Nested well one",
    "api" : "api nested well",
    "flags" : {
      "has_topsets" : false
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/nestedwells

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter nested wells by the 'name' or 'api' fields. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Nested well UUID
content[].name String Nested well name
content[].api String API nested well number
content[].flags.has_topsets Boolean Flag indicating the presence of topsets

Get nested well metadata

Get nested well metadata data by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/00b9e1cd-48bd-421d-b216-33573c7b688d HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 84c41ff2f78b3491
Content-Type: application/json

  "name" : "Nested well one",
  "operator" : "string",
  "api" : "api nested well",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 6.0
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 10.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 22.96587926509186
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 3.280839895013123
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.0

GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
name String Lateral name
operator String Operator name
api String API lateral number
xsrf.val Number X surface coordinate
ysrf.val Number Y surface coordinate
kb.val Number Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL
tie_in_tvd.val Number Tie in tvd coordinates
tie_in_ns.val Number Tie in NS
tie_in_ew.val Number Tie in EW
corridor_top.val Number Corridor Top value
corridor_base.val Number Corridor Base value

Get nested well trajectory

Get nested well trajectory data by nested well UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/c728abfd-3da9-45ac-8485-e0f6309f36f2/trajectory HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: a54cc82425d998b9
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 0.0
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 0.0
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 0.0
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 3280.839895013124
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 0.4583662361046284
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 0.0
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 4921.259842519686
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 84.79775367935625
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 9.740282517223354
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 13123.359580052496
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 89.95437383553333
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 9.740282517223354
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/trajectory

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Trajectory points array
content[].md.val Number Measured Depth value in project units
content[].incl.val Number Inclination value (degrees)
content[].azim.val Number Azimuth value (degrees)

Get starred topset

Get starred topset by nested well UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/0d2c65a8-d8cc-4bee-8946-9ebb533e1373/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: e841d792a9c28ea5
Content-Type: application/json

  "topset" : "d1d5f09c-daa0-411f-8f6e-278a2fa6606e"

GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
topset String Starred topset UUID

Update nested well metadata

Update nested well metadata


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Nested well new name",
  "api" : "api nested well",
  "operator" : "string",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 6.0
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 10.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 7.0
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 1.0
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.0
PATCH /public/api/v1/nestedwells/ac36240f-4fa4-48ee-a6a1-7990d24effbf HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 310

  "name" : "Nested well new name",
  "api" : "api nested well",
  "operator" : "string",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 6.0
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 10.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 7.0
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 1.0
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.0


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 4021a3c700d8fbda

PATCH /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Nested well name
operator String Operator name
api String API nested well number
xsrf.val Number X surface coordinate
xsrf.undefined Boolean If true then X surface coordinate will be set as parent
ysrf.val Number Y surface coordinate
ysrf.undefined Boolean If true then Y surface coordinate will be set as parent
kb.val Number Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL
kb.undefined Boolean If true then KB will be set as parent
tie_in_tvd.val Number Tie in TVD
tie_in_tvd.undefined Boolean If true then tie in TVD will be set undefined
tie_in_ns.val Number Tie in NS
tie_in_ns.undefined Boolean If true then tie in NS will be set undefined
tie_in_ew.val Number Tie in EW
tie_in_ew.undefined Boolean If true then tie in EW will be set undefined

Response body

Empty body

Extend nested well trajectory

Extend nested well trajectory (note that 'azim' can be used for a trajectory station azimuth as well as 'azi')


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]
PATCH /public/api/v1/nestedwells/6b63e53b-e504-4730-a3bd-7170f9ba1e63/trajectory HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 344

  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 7ea8dc2649d0b3d4

PATCH /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/trajectory

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
md_uom String Depth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the nested well. Accepted values: m, ft
incl_uom String Inclination measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the nested well. Accepted values: dega, rad
azi_uom String Azimuth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the nested well. Accepted values: dega, rad
trajectory_stations Array Nested well trajectory data array
trajectory_stations[].md.val Number Depth data value
trajectory_stations[].incl.val Number Inclination data value
trajectory_stations[].azi.val Number Azimuth data value

Response body

Empty body

Replace nested well trajectory

Replace nested well trajectory (note that 'azim' can be used for a trajectory station azimuth as well as 'azi')


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]
PUT /public/api/v1/nestedwells/d23320b4-44a5-427c-820b-f082a41dcb0e/trajectory HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 344

  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 1835c9b8b58f28c8

PUT /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/trajectory

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
md_uom String Depth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the nested well. Accepted values: m, ft
incl_uom String Inclination measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the nested well. Accepted values: dega, rad
azi_uom String Azimuth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the nested well. Accepted values: dega, rad
trajectory_stations Array Nested well trajectory data array
trajectory_stations[].md.val Number Depth data value
trajectory_stations[].incl.val Number Inclination data value
trajectory_stations[].azi.val Number Azimuth data value

Response body

Empty body

Set starred topset

Set starred topset by nested well UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "topset" : "43722f87-d12c-41a5-94e6-584c33e059c5"
PUT /public/api/v1/nestedwells/94747518-856e-4f5e-9271-6a72849b76d8/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 55

  "topset" : "43722f87-d12c-41a5-94e6-584c33e059c5"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 0d559ded458daa3d

PUT /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
topset String Topset UUID to set starred (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)

Response body

Empty body

Lock nested well

Lock nested well by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/nestedwells/0a5a6ea3-b775-4ac7-8879-52aa643546fb/lock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 75678750823a6613

PATCH /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/lock

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

Unlock nested well

Unlock nested well by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/nestedwells/2c19efe5-c726-44dc-be2d-91694d79960c/unlock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 5cb9ee69c42a042d

PATCH /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/unlock

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

6. Typewells

Create typewell

Create typewell by project UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Typewell name",
  "operator" : "operator",
  "api" : "api",
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 90.0
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 45.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 0.3
  "tieintvd" : {
    "val" : 0.4
  "tieinns" : {
    "val" : 0.5
  "tieinew" : {
    "val" : 0.6
  "xsrfreal" : {
    "val" : 100.0
  "ysrfreal" : {
    "val" : 500.0
POST /public/api/v1/projects/edf5f8f6-00ee-45a9-9574-eb00278267c1/typewells HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 378

  "name" : "Typewell name",
  "operator" : "operator",
  "api" : "api",
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 90.0
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 45.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 0.3
  "tieintvd" : {
    "val" : 0.4
  "tieinns" : {
    "val" : 0.5
  "tieinew" : {
    "val" : 0.6
  "xsrfreal" : {
    "val" : 100.0
  "ysrfreal" : {
    "val" : 500.0


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: b18036ba8c05ce75
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "3d945186-2598-435f-a8a6-be44b62bce52"

POST /public/api/v1/projects/{uuid}/typewells

Path parameter Description
uuid Project UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Typewell name
operator String Operator name
api String API typewell number
convergence.val Number Convergence
azimuth.val Number AzimuthVS
kb.val Number Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL
tieintvd.val Number TieInTvd
tieinns.val Number TieInNs
tieinew.val Number TieInEw
xsrfreal.val Number X surface wellbore coordinate
ysrfreal.val Number Y surface wellbore coordinate

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created typewell UUID

Get typewells by project

Get a list of typewells by project UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/projects/edf5f8f6-00ee-45a9-9574-eb00278267c1/typewells?offset=0&limit=10&filter=oNe HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 22ccf4c775fbd4df
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "ae70c448-e594-4fee-a7c9-a9da5faafc90",
    "name" : "Typewell one",
    "api" : "api typewell one",
    "flags" : {
      "has_logs" : false,
      "has_topsets" : false,
      "has_mudlogs" : false
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/projects/{uuid}/typewells

Path parameter Description
uuid Project UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter typewells by the 'name' or 'api' fields. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Typewell UUID
content[].name String Typewell name
content[].api String API typewell number
content[].flags.has_logs Boolean Flag indicating the presence of logs
content[].flags.has_topsets Boolean Flag indicating the presence of topsets
content[].flags.has_mudlogs Boolean Flag indicating the presence of mudlogs

Get typewell metadata

Get typewell metadata


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/typewells/6d24bde1-58c0-42fc-bac8-779c0efff0a0 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 8020d9516f5638a0
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "6d24bde1-58c0-42fc-bac8-779c0efff0a0",
  "name" : "Typewell",
  "operator" : "string",
  "api" : "string",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 19.68503937007874
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 32.808398950131235
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 22.96587926509186
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 3.280839895013123
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.0

GET /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Typewell UUID
name String Typewell name
operator String Operator name
api String API typewell number
xsrf.val Number X surface coordinate
ysrf.val Number Y surface coordinate
kb.val Number Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL
convergence.val Number Convergence
tie_in_tvd.val Number Tie in tvd coordinates
tie_in_ns.val Number Tie in NS
tie_in_ew.val Number Tie in EW

Get typewell trajectory

Get typewell trajectory data by typewell UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/typewells/8e6d94ea-129a-4cc9-a16a-6bb0c381f4ab/trajectory HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: fcf5e7c97a5069d8
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 0.0
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 0.0
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 0.0
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 3280.839895013124
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 0.4583662361046284
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 0.0
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 4921.259842519686
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 84.79775367935625
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 9.740282517223354
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 13123.359580052496
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 89.95437383553333
    "azim" : {
      "val" : 9.740282517223354
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/trajectory

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Trajectory points array
content[].md.val Number Measured Depth value in project units
content[].incl.val Number Inclination value (degrees)
content[].azim.val Number Azimuth value (degrees)

Get starred topset

Get starred topset by typewell UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/typewells/6d24bde1-58c0-42fc-bac8-779c0efff0a0/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 3b485888ebaf5495
Content-Type: application/json

  "topset" : "c0de971b-0b29-46d3-9c16-7d119ae26f3d"

GET /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
topset String Starred topset UUID

Get linked laterals

Get linked laterals by typewell UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/typewells/2bc8f9af-43f9-4a01-a8b2-c72200f0d569/linked?offset=0&limit=10 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 9bc4386211e498d8
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "shift" : {
      "val" : 1640.4199475065616
    "lateral_id" : "ce554faa-9545-46c6-bd73-3b77947ac463"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/linked

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].shift.val Number Typewell shift
content[].lateral_id String Lateral UUID

Update typewell metadata

Update typewell metadata


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Typewell one",
  "api" : "api typewell",
  "operator" : "string",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 6.0
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 10.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 7.0
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 1.0
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.0
PATCH /public/api/v1/typewells/ae70c448-e594-4fee-a7c9-a9da5faafc90 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 340

  "name" : "Typewell one",
  "api" : "api typewell",
  "operator" : "string",
  "xsrf" : {
    "val" : 6.0
  "ysrf" : {
    "val" : 10.0
  "kb" : {
    "val" : 7.0
  "convergence" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_tvd" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "tie_in_ns" : {
    "val" : 1.0
  "tie_in_ew" : {
    "val" : 0.0


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 87af6d47b25fd662

PATCH /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Typewell name
operator String Operator name
api String API typewell number
xsrf.val Number X surface coordinate
ysrf.val Number Y surface coordinate
kb.val Number Kelly Bushing (KB) is the height of the Derek (drill rig) measured from the MSL
convergence.val Number Convergence
tie_in_tvd.val Number Tie in tvd coordinates
tie_in_ns.val Number Tie in NS
tie_in_ew.val Number Tie in EW

Response body

Empty body

Extend typewell trajectory

Extend typewell trajectory (note that 'azim' can be used for a trajectory station azimuth as well as 'azi')


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]
PATCH /public/api/v1/typewells/ae70c448-e594-4fee-a7c9-a9da5faafc90/trajectory HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 344

  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 89d30a24857b811e

PATCH /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/trajectory

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
md_uom String Depth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the typewell. Accepted values: m, ft
incl_uom String Inclination measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the typewell. Accepted values: dega, rad
azi_uom String Azimuth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the typewell. Accepted values: dega, rad
trajectory_stations Array Typewell trajectory data array
trajectory_stations[].md.val Number Depth data value
trajectory_stations[].incl.val Number Inclination data value
trajectory_stations[].azi.val Number Azimuth data value

Response body

Empty body

Replace typewell trajectory

Replace typewell trajectory (note that 'azim' can be used for a trajectory station azimuth as well as 'azi')


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]
PUT /public/api/v1/typewells/ae70c448-e594-4fee-a7c9-a9da5faafc90/trajectory HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 344

  "md_uom" : "m",
  "incl_uom" : "dega",
  "azi_uom" : "rad",
  "trajectory_stations" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1389
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 1.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.63
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 1489
    "incl" : {
      "val" : 2.1
    "azi" : {
      "val" : 1.43
  } ]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 2dcaca2dbfd6578d

PUT /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/trajectory

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
md_uom String Depth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the typewell. Accepted values: m, ft
incl_uom String Inclination measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the typewell. Accepted values: dega, rad
azi_uom String Azimuth measure unit of a trajectory stations related to the typewell. Accepted values: dega, rad
trajectory_stations Array Typewell trajectory data array
trajectory_stations[].md.val Number Depth data value
trajectory_stations[].incl.val Number Inclination data value
trajectory_stations[].azi.val Number Azimuth data value

Response body

Empty body

Set starred topset

Set starred topset by typewell UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "topset" : "c0de971b-0b29-46d3-9c16-7d119ae26f3d"
PUT /public/api/v1/typewells/6d24bde1-58c0-42fc-bac8-779c0efff0a0/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 55

  "topset" : "c0de971b-0b29-46d3-9c16-7d119ae26f3d"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 400a36dc64b97d30

PUT /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
topset String Topset UUID to set starred (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)

Response body

Empty body

Lock typewell

Lock typewell by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/typewells/3abb7bcd-85f3-4455-b9a4-02944c6bdf20/lock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 2124834800a59278

PATCH /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/lock

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

Unlock typewell

Unlock typewell by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/typewells/fe01a972-bbac-4a93-92b5-7e5ad9b691fb/unlock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: b67de6ddfb842eb9

PATCH /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/unlock

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

7. Topsets

Create lateral topset

Create topset by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Topset name"
POST /public/api/v1/wells/fbdd4d2b-ca0c-47dc-9365-f73d675b9d3f/topsets HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 28

  "name" : "Topset name"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 7393d00914157811
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "25fba907-0c39-4d82-81c5-14283cf61612"

POST /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/topsets

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Topset name

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created topset UUID

Create typewell topset

Create topset by typewell UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Topset name"
POST /public/api/v1/typewells/51daf305-a8fe-4172-bd73-00f7ac6c228b/topsets HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 28

  "name" : "Topset name"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: e8f7dd2c4300a8b3
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "7df0a11c-4d8d-4ebe-8fb9-0f56c6a53483"

POST /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/topsets

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Topset name

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created topset UUID

Create nested well topset

Create topset by nested well UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Topset name"
POST /public/api/v1/nestedwells/bc28efc6-803e-4705-9beb-ce9c678095ae/topsets HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 28

  "name" : "Topset name"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 493b34fa796e968b
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "59aeb141-2440-4598-b0c3-13676b833635"

POST /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/topsets

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Topset name

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created topset UUID

Get topsets by lateral

Get a list of topsets by lateral UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/fbdd4d2b-ca0c-47dc-9365-f73d675b9d3f/topsets?offset=0&limit=10 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 1aea96a45caf6864
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "aea96b61-5483-42cc-9de0-38ac359d7bf8",
    "name" : "C Log TopSet hLDZllcvHH"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "ec5daafd-aa87-4db5-9570-cd65ced2d864",
    "name" : "D Well DNSmtlFKyd"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "12631499-b6b3-4749-998f-b39fb854527e",
    "name" : "Top Set"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "bb76325b-ef50-4f09-8bc3-58471073cf13",
    "name" : "TopSetLAjyYpDmVv"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "c4176330-6360-4d63-9d26-ba8bf54ec656",
    "name" : "TopSet Log ITQfVypxeA"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 5,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/topsets

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Topset name
content[].uuid String Topset UUID

Get topsets by typewell

Get a list of topsets by typewell UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/typewells/51daf305-a8fe-4172-bd73-00f7ac6c228b/topsets?offset=0&limit=10 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: f5afa3ba06ff7acc
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "d6f4b125-a348-44e9-8f7d-905b6d87c471",
    "name" : "C Log TopSet WDpDzfFycn"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "14938da4-e958-4b9e-9c5e-4d080dd14b73",
    "name" : "D Well KTcmGukUFv"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "a410d0e9-1462-4ecb-8f9c-baf74a145a0b",
    "name" : "TopSet Log RMODLZEPlR"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "b574065c-0274-465e-83dd-cf98e68178a8",
    "name" : "TopSetnnqMYXFaCH"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 4,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/topsets

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Topset name
content[].uuid String Topset UUID

Get topsets by nested well

Get a list of topsets by nested well UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/bc28efc6-803e-4705-9beb-ce9c678095ae/topsets?offset=0&limit=10 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: dc092ce825e1fa86
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "b9b5e6a9-5591-4e9d-8090-3f76a787b37c",
    "name" : "C Log TopSet QYhBGCHZKm"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "db386560-a07f-47a1-b57b-598207358a44",
    "name" : "D Well aNDjJhDaHZ"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "96b47418-d280-4fb2-8de1-3fddf0d66ec1",
    "name" : "TopSetiubXGZNrzp"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "e6154931-4411-40b3-b4ef-7a4943bbe73e",
    "name" : "TopSet Log cIjQwsDSAZ"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "59aeb141-2440-4598-b0c3-13676b833635",
    "name" : "Topset name"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 5,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/topsets

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Topset name
content[].uuid String Topset UUID

Get starred objects

Get starred objects by topset UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /public/api/v1/topsets/12631499-b6b3-4749-998f-b39fb854527e/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 4900a04b3f93374f
Content-Type: application/json

  "top" : "011a50a9-cb53-44df-a1dd-5b81e37eeb52",
  "center" : "5bd845ec-764d-4c87-ac0b-8af086c8990c",
  "bottom" : "2a235597-fed4-49f1-8512-d6c71edfdc0d"

GET /public/api/v1/topsets/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Topset UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
top String Starred top top UUID
center String Starred center top UUID
bottom String Starred bottom top UUID

Set starred objects

Set starred objects by topset UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "top" : "011a50a9-cb53-44df-a1dd-5b81e37eeb52",
  "center" : "5bd845ec-764d-4c87-ac0b-8af086c8990c",
  "bottom" : "2a235597-fed4-49f1-8512-d6c71edfdc0d"
PUT /public/api/v1/topsets/12631499-b6b3-4749-998f-b39fb854527e/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 158

  "top" : "011a50a9-cb53-44df-a1dd-5b81e37eeb52",
  "center" : "5bd845ec-764d-4c87-ac0b-8af086c8990c",
  "bottom" : "2a235597-fed4-49f1-8512-d6c71edfdc0d"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 0e668aa33d44d254

PUT /public/api/v1/topsets/{uuid}/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Topset UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
top String Top UUID to be set as starred top (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)
center String Top UUID to be set as starred center (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)
bottom String Top UUID to be set as starred bottom (use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" to reset)

Response body

Empty body

Update topset

Update topset by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "New topset name"
PATCH /public/api/v1/topsets/12631499-b6b3-4749-998f-b39fb854527e HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 32

  "name" : "New topset name"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: db47124ff963b587

PATCH /public/api/v1/topsets/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Topset UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Topset name

Response body

Empty body

Lock topset

Lock topset by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/topsets/12631499-b6b3-4749-998f-b39fb854527e/lock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 85370954530e8921

PATCH /public/api/v1/topsets/{uuid}/lock

Path parameter Description
uuid Topset UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

Unlock topset

Unlock topset by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
PATCH /public/api/v1/topsets/12631499-b6b3-4749-998f-b39fb854527e/unlock HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 0d11754408540f2b

PATCH /public/api/v1/topsets/{uuid}/unlock

Path parameter Description
uuid Topset UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

8. Tops

Create top

Create top by topset UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Top name",
  "md" : {
    "val" : 100.5
POST /public/api/v1/topsets/1cf09e11-a3d2-4fb8-b670-28795c3e804c/tops HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 59

  "name" : "Top name",
  "md" : {
    "val" : 100.5


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: acd8e966374dda6f
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "da997d1a-8355-4767-b155-e62347359299"

POST /public/api/v1/topsets/{uuid}/tops

Path parameter Description
uuid Topset UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Top name
md Object Measured depth. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
md.val Number Measured depth value in project units (must be in [0;100000] range)
md.undefined Boolean Set to true if MD is undefined

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created top UUID

Get tops by topset

Get a list of tops by topset UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/topsets/cb2bdd61-2704-4782-b9c7-f6e82a963838/tops?offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 1408f0ff8f41eba3
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 9.842519685039372
    "name" : "Top",
    "topset_name" : "Top Set",
    "uuid" : "732575eb-2e0c-413b-86fd-97fe67a1527a"
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 13.123359580052496
    "name" : "Update Top",
    "topset_name" : "Top Set",
    "uuid" : "57f488b9-50ce-473b-8685-57fb02d0ee46"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 2,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/topsets/{uuid}/tops

Path parameter Description
uuid Topset UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Top UUID
content[].name String Top name
content[].topset_name String Top name
content[].md.val Number Measured depth value in project units

Get tops by lateral

Get a list of tops by lateral UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/21e8e9e3-afbf-453d-a736-552947e9ec42/tops?offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: ca1757a9fc8b1850
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 9.842519685039372
    "name" : "Top",
    "topset_name" : "Top Set",
    "uuid" : "6ddd35f1-d318-42bf-b10c-59ec5b683fcf"
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 13.123359580052496
    "name" : "Update Top",
    "topset_name" : "Top Set",
    "uuid" : "7f42e687-f8d9-43c6-a949-b59b624731fd"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 2,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/tops

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Top UUID
content[].name String Top name
content[].topset_name String Top name
content[].md.val Number Measured depth value in project units

Get tops by typewell

Get a list of tops by typewell UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/typewells/b85f9300-c149-44c0-9487-5d460c925b96/tops?offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 7d073ef7cca5c9ba
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 9.842519685039372
    "name" : "Top",
    "topset_name" : "Top Set",
    "uuid" : "718845a0-d440-47d1-89d9-c064e901c068"
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 13.123359580052496
    "name" : "Update Top",
    "topset_name" : "Top Set",
    "uuid" : "2da15f16-aa21-4302-8b7a-1168103a8ae2"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 2,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/tops

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Top UUID
content[].name String Top name
content[].topset_name String Top name
content[].md.val Number Measured depth value in project units

Get tops by nested well

Get a list of tops by nested well UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/50c2233c-4be5-4cd6-b7f3-84c3f6422769/tops?offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 222c56e4d58a607d
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 9.842519685039372
    "name" : "Top",
    "topset_name" : "Top Set",
    "uuid" : "4ee010d7-8f49-4813-8a51-191e7dabfcaf"
  }, {
    "md" : {
      "val" : 13.123359580052496
    "name" : "Update Top",
    "topset_name" : "Top Set",
    "uuid" : "ef1f4e64-2235-494d-910d-fc80018ec35c"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 2,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/nestedwells/{uuid}/tops

Path parameter Description
uuid Nested well UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Top UUID
content[].name String Top name
content[].topset_name String Top name
content[].md.val Number Measured depth value in project units

Update top

Update top by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "New top name",
  "md" : {
    "val" : 999.5
PATCH /public/api/v1/tops/7f42e687-f8d9-43c6-a949-b59b624731fd HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 63

  "name" : "New top name",
  "md" : {
    "val" : 999.5


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: f4637c95e35f14e3

PATCH /public/api/v1/tops/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Top UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Top name
md Object Measured depth. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
md.val Number Measured depth value in project units (must be in [0;100000] range)
md.undefined Boolean Set to true if MD is undefined

Response body

Empty body

9. Target lines

Create target line

Create target line by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Target line name",
  "origin_x" : {
    "val" : 100.5
  "origin_y" : {
    "val" : 200.5
  "origin_z" : {
    "val" : 300.5
  "target_x" : {
    "val" : 400.5
  "target_y" : {
    "val" : 500.5
  "target_z" : {
    "val" : 600.5
POST /public/api/v1/wells/6a7c9375-b081-4f6f-a6e0-08a2905e32bb/targetlines HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 273

  "name" : "Target line name",
  "origin_x" : {
    "val" : 100.5
  "origin_y" : {
    "val" : 200.5
  "origin_z" : {
    "val" : 300.5
  "target_x" : {
    "val" : 400.5
  "target_y" : {
    "val" : 500.5
  "target_z" : {
    "val" : 600.5


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: ef65114826e99b38
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "9a4dbb68-c1d3-4858-8f42-269aa86bbea4"

POST /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/targetlines

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Target line name
origin_x.val Number Origin point X coordinate (project units)
origin_y.val Number Origin point Y coordinate (project units)
origin_z.val Number Origin point Z coordinate (project units)
target_x.val Number Target point X coordinate (project units)
target_y.val Number Target point Y coordinate (project units)
target_z.val Number Target point Z coordinate (project units)

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created target line UUID

Create target line from waypoints

Create target line from waypoints by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Target line name",
  "waypoints" : [ {
    "name" : "Waypoint1",
    "break" : false,
    "order" : 2,
    "x" : {
      "val" : 30.0
    "y" : {
      "val" : 10.0
    "z" : {
      "val" : 40.0
  }, {
    "name" : "Waypoint2",
    "break" : false,
    "order" : 3,
    "x" : {
      "val" : 70.0
    "y" : {
      "val" : 80.0
    "z" : {
      "val" : 90.0
  } ]
POST /public/api/v1/wells/ce93bf94-2efe-41a1-a375-e36e3fd59898/targetlines/fromwaypoints HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 421

  "name" : "Target line name",
  "waypoints" : [ {
    "name" : "Waypoint1",
    "break" : false,
    "order" : 2,
    "x" : {
      "val" : 30.0
    "y" : {
      "val" : 10.0
    "z" : {
      "val" : 40.0
  }, {
    "name" : "Waypoint2",
    "break" : false,
    "order" : 3,
    "x" : {
      "val" : 70.0
    "y" : {
      "val" : 80.0
    "z" : {
      "val" : 90.0
  } ]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 05eae7a840297492
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "fa6cf328-e71b-48f2-8624-d17c96626047"

POST /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/targetlines/fromwaypoints

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Target line name
waypoints Array Target line waypoints list
waypoints[].name String Waypoint name
waypoints[].order Number Order of the waypoint in the list
waypoints[].x.val Number Waypoint X coordinate (project units)
waypoints[].y.val Number Waypoint Y coordinate (project units)
waypoints[].z.val Number Waypoint Z coordinate (project units)
waypoints[].break Boolean Is the waypoint break point or not

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created target line UUID

Get target lines by lateral

Get a list of target lines by lateral UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/428b2c16-fb6a-4bd0-b9fc-70adaf0f4120/targetlines?offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 4df38547e318049f
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "6a9d196d-fa0d-4b6d-a806-69a3b7607557",
    "name" : "Target Line",
    "waypoints" : [ {
      "name" : "Origin",
      "order" : 0,
      "x" : {
        "val" : 3.280839895013123
      "y" : {
        "val" : 6.561679790026246
      "z" : {
        "val" : 9.84251968503937
      "top_corridor_tvd" : {
        "undefined" : true
      "base_corridor_tvd" : {
        "undefined" : true
      "break" : false
    }, {
      "name" : "Target",
      "order" : 1,
      "x" : {
        "val" : 13.123359580052492
      "y" : {
        "val" : 16.404199475065617
      "z" : {
        "val" : 19.68503937007874
      "top_corridor_tvd" : {
        "val" : 24.999999999999996
      "base_corridor_tvd" : {
        "val" : 24.999999999999996
      "break" : false
    } ]
  }, {
    "uuid" : "8b549c88-f4fe-4abb-a351-b5e24dba7a47",
    "name" : "Update Target Line",
    "waypoints" : [ {
      "name" : "Origin",
      "order" : 0,
      "x" : {
        "val" : 36.41732283464567
      "y" : {
        "val" : 39.69816272965879
      "z" : {
        "val" : 42.979002624671914
      "top_corridor_tvd" : {
        "undefined" : true
      "base_corridor_tvd" : {
        "undefined" : true
      "break" : false
    }, {
      "name" : "Target",
      "order" : 1,
      "x" : {
        "val" : 46.25984251968504
      "y" : {
        "val" : 49.54068241469816
      "z" : {
        "val" : 52.82152230971129
      "top_corridor_tvd" : {
        "val" : 28.608923884514432
      "base_corridor_tvd" : {
        "val" : 28.608923884514432
      "break" : false
    } ]
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 2,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/targetlines

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].uuid String Target line UUID
content[].name String Target line name
content[].waypoints Array Target line waypoints list
content[].waypoints[].name String Waypoint name
content[].waypoints[].order Number Order of the waypoint in the list
content[].waypoints[].x.val Number Waypoint X coordinate (project units)
content[].waypoints[].y.val Number Waypoint Y coordinate (project units)
content[].waypoints[].z.val Number Waypoint Z coordinate (project units)
content[].waypoints[].top_corridor_tvd Object Waypoint top corridor TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].waypoints[].top_corridor_tvd.val Number Waypoint top corridor TVD value (project units)
content[].waypoints[].base_corridor_tvd Object Waypoint base corridor TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].waypoints[].base_corridor_tvd.val Number Waypoint base corridor TVD value (project units)
content[].waypoints[].break Boolean Is the waypoint break point or not

Get target line data

Get a list of target line data by target line UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/targetlines/0a2cd8b8-77fd-4fbc-b6b0-e41f621a1087/data HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 2206842b94d98651
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "azimuth" : {
      "val" : 45
    "delta_tvd" : {
      "val" : -9.842519685039372
    "delta_vs" : {
      "val" : 9.842519685039374
    "inclination" : {
      "val" : 125.26438968275465
    "length" : {
      "val" : 17.047744168985016
    "name" : "Target Line",
    "origin_base_corridor_tvd" : {
      "val" : 38.123359580052494
    "origin_md" : {
      "val" : 1594.0953719875106
    "origin_top_corridor_tvd" : {
      "val" : -11.876640419947504
    "origin_tvd" : {
      "val" : 13.123359580052496
    "origin_vs" : {
      "val" : -26.246719160104988
    "origin_x" : {
      "val" : 3.280839895013124
    "origin_y" : {
      "val" : 6.561679790026248
    "origin_z" : {
      "val" : 9.842519685039372
    "target_base_corridor_tvd" : {
      "val" : 28.280839895013123
    "target_md" : {
      "val" : 1106.7125786029799
    "target_top_corridor_tvd" : {
      "val" : -21.719160104986877
    "target_tvd" : {
      "val" : 3.2808398950131235
    "target_vs" : {
      "val" : -16.404199475065614
    "target_x" : {
      "val" : 13.123359580052496
    "target_y" : {
      "val" : 16.40419947506562
    "target_z" : {
      "val" : 19.685039370078744
    "tvd_vs" : {
      "val" : -13.123359580052487
    "uuid" : "0a2cd8b8-77fd-4fbc-b6b0-e41f621a1087"
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/targetlines/{uuid}/data

Path parameter Description
uuid Target line UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content[].name String Target line name
content[].uuid String Target line UUID
content[].azimuth.val Number Azimuth (degrees)
content[].inclination.val Number Inclination (degrees)
content[].length.val Number Length (project units)
content[].delta_tvd.val Number Difference between target and base TVD (project units)
content[].delta_vs.val Number Difference between target and base VS (project units)
content[].tvd_vs.val Number TVD@0VS
content[].origin_vs.val Number Origin point VS (project units)
content[].origin_tvd.val Number Origin point TVD (project units)
content[].origin_x.val Number Origin point X coordinate (project units)
content[].origin_y.val Number Origin point Y coordinate (project units)
content[].origin_z.val Number Origin point Z coordinate (project units)
content[].origin_md Object Origin MD value. If target line belongs to trajectory val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].origin_md.val Number Origin MD value (project units)
content[].origin_md.undefined Boolean true if origin MD undefined
content[].origin_base_corridor_tvd Object Base corridor origin TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].origin_base_corridor_tvd.val Number Base corridor origin TVD value (project units)
content[].origin_base_corridor_tvd.undefined Boolean true if base corridor origin is undefined
content[].origin_top_corridor_tvd Object Top corridor origin TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].origin_top_corridor_tvd.val Number Top corridor origin TVD (project units)
content[].origin_top_corridor_tvd.undefined Boolean true if top TVD corridor is undefined
content[].target_vs.val Number Target point VS (project units)
content[].target_tvd.val Number Target point TVD (project units)
content[].target_x.val Number Target point X coordinate (project units)
content[].target_y.val Number Target point Y coordinate (project units)
content[].target_z.val Number Target point Z coordinate (project units)
content[].target_md Object Target MD. If target line belongs to trajectory val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].target_md.val Number Target MD value (project units)
content[].target_md.undefined Boolean true if target MD is undefined
content[].target_base_corridor_tvd Object Base corridor target TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].target_base_corridor_tvd.val Number Base corridor target TVD (project units)
content[].target_base_corridor_tvd.undefined Boolean true if base corridor target TVD is undefined
content[].target_top_corridor_tvd Object Top corridor target TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].target_top_corridor_tvd.val Number Top corridor target TVD (project units)
content[].target_top_corridor_tvd.undefined Boolean true if top corridor target TVD is undefined

Get target lines data by lateral

Get a list of target lines data by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/da325356-6410-4d71-ad8f-68b3e78a43f5/targetlines/data?offset=0&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 1676e70909e8a0c4
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "azimuth" : {
      "val" : 45
    "delta_tvd" : {
      "val" : -9.842519685039372
    "delta_vs" : {
      "val" : 9.842519685039374
    "inclination" : {
      "val" : 125.26438968275465
    "length" : {
      "val" : 17.047744168985016
    "name" : "Target Line",
    "origin_base_corridor_tvd" : {
      "val" : 38.123359580052494
    "origin_md" : {
      "val" : 1594.0953719875106
    "origin_top_corridor_tvd" : {
      "val" : -11.876640419947504
    "origin_tvd" : {
      "val" : 13.123359580052496
    "origin_vs" : {
      "val" : -26.246719160104988
    "origin_x" : {
      "val" : 3.280839895013124
    "origin_y" : {
      "val" : 6.561679790026248
    "origin_z" : {
      "val" : 9.842519685039372
    "target_base_corridor_tvd" : {
      "val" : 28.280839895013123
    "target_md" : {
      "val" : 1106.7125786029799
    "target_top_corridor_tvd" : {
      "val" : -21.719160104986877
    "target_tvd" : {
      "val" : 3.2808398950131235
    "target_vs" : {
      "val" : -16.404199475065614
    "target_x" : {
      "val" : 13.123359580052496
    "target_y" : {
      "val" : 16.40419947506562
    "target_z" : {
      "val" : 19.685039370078744
    "tvd_vs" : {
      "val" : -13.123359580052487
    "uuid" : "920d2659-7215-46ef-b96b-8ba7f89be9a4"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 20,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/targetlines/data

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Target line name
content[].uuid String Target line UUID
content[].azimuth.val Number Azimuth (degrees)
content[].inclination.val Number Inclination (degrees)
content[].length.val Number Length (project units)
content[].delta_tvd.val Number Difference between target and base TVD (project units)
content[].delta_vs.val Number Difference between target and base VS (project units)
content[].tvd_vs.val Number TVD@0VS
content[].origin_vs.val Number Origin point VS (project units)
content[].origin_tvd.val Number Origin point TVD (project units)
content[].origin_x.val Number Origin point X coordinate (project units)
content[].origin_y.val Number Origin point Y coordinate (project units)
content[].origin_z.val Number Origin point Z coordinate (project units)
content[].origin_md Object Origin MD value. If target line belongs to trajectory val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].origin_md.val Number Origin MD value (project units)
content[].origin_md.undefined Boolean true if origin MD undefined
content[].origin_base_corridor_tvd Object Base corridor origin TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].origin_base_corridor_tvd.val Number Base corridor origin TVD value (project units)
content[].origin_base_corridor_tvd.undefined Boolean true if base corridor origin is undefined
content[].origin_top_corridor_tvd Object Top corridor origin TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].origin_top_corridor_tvd.val Number Top corridor origin TVD (project units)
content[].origin_top_corridor_tvd.undefined Boolean true if top TVD corridor is undefined
content[].target_vs.val Number Target point VS (project units)
content[].target_tvd.val Number Target point TVD (project units)
content[].target_x.val Number Target point X coordinate (project units)
content[].target_y.val Number Target point Y coordinate (project units)
content[].target_z.val Number Target point Z coordinate (project units)
content[].target_md Object Target MD. If target line belongs to trajectory val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].target_md.val Number Target MD value (project units)
content[].target_md.undefined Boolean true if target MD is undefined
content[].target_base_corridor_tvd Object Base corridor target TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].target_base_corridor_tvd.val Number Base corridor target TVD (project units)
content[].target_base_corridor_tvd.undefined Boolean true if base corridor target TVD is undefined
content[].target_top_corridor_tvd Object Top corridor target TVD. If present val is set, otherwise undefined is true
content[].target_top_corridor_tvd.val Number Top corridor target TVD (project units)
content[].target_top_corridor_tvd.undefined Boolean true if top corridor target TVD is undefined

Get starred target line by lateral

Get starred target line by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/c94a01b5-8d14-44f0-8e88-549ec9e5515b/targetlines/starred HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: a04daff782d5fe57
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "21741b47-167a-4044-b633-2de198da0f73",
  "name" : "Target Line"

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/targetlines/starred

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Target line UUID
name String Target line name

Update target line

Update target line by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "New target line name",
  "origin_x" : {
    "val" : 1000.5
  "origin_y" : {
    "val" : 2000.5
  "origin_z" : {
    "val" : 3000.5
  "target_x" : {
    "val" : 4000.5
  "target_y" : {
    "val" : 5000.5
  "target_z" : {
    "val" : 6000.5
PATCH /public/api/v1/targetlines/f233dfca-8b87-49fd-af28-093cc3cabb11 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 283

  "name" : "New target line name",
  "origin_x" : {
    "val" : 1000.5
  "origin_y" : {
    "val" : 2000.5
  "origin_z" : {
    "val" : 3000.5
  "target_x" : {
    "val" : 4000.5
  "target_y" : {
    "val" : 5000.5
  "target_z" : {
    "val" : 6000.5


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 5c7659064b54bbc1

PATCH /public/api/v1/targetlines/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Target line UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Target line name
origin_x.val Number Origin point X coordinate (project units)
origin_y.val Number Origin point Y coordinate (project units)
origin_z.val Number Origin point Z coordinate (project units)
target_x.val Number Target point X coordinate (project units)
target_y.val Number Target point Y coordinate (project units)
target_z.val Number Target point Z coordinate (project units)

Response body

Empty body

Update target line from waypoints

Update target line from waypoints by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Target line updated name",
  "waypoints" : [ {
    "name" : "Waypoint100",
    "break" : false,
    "order" : 2,
    "x" : {
      "val" : 30.0
    "y" : {
      "val" : 10.0
    "z" : {
      "val" : 40.0
  }, {
    "name" : "Waypoint500",
    "break" : false,
    "order" : 3,
    "x" : {
      "val" : 70.0
    "y" : {
      "val" : 80.0
    "z" : {
      "val" : 90.0
  } ]
PATCH /public/api/v1/targetlines/ddac27a1-f7eb-43d1-b7e9-6958d88deec1/fromwaypoints HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 433

  "name" : "Target line updated name",
  "waypoints" : [ {
    "name" : "Waypoint100",
    "break" : false,
    "order" : 2,
    "x" : {
      "val" : 30.0
    "y" : {
      "val" : 10.0
    "z" : {
      "val" : 40.0
  }, {
    "name" : "Waypoint500",
    "break" : false,
    "order" : 3,
    "x" : {
      "val" : 70.0
    "y" : {
      "val" : 80.0
    "z" : {
      "val" : 90.0
  } ]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: be56be683a7c3d93

PATCH /public/api/v1/targetlines/{uuid}/fromwaypoints

Path parameter Description
uuid Target line UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Target line name
waypoints Array Target line waypoints list
waypoints[].name String Waypoint name
waypoints[].order Number Order of the waypoint in the list
waypoints[].x.val Number Waypoint X coordinate (project units)
waypoints[].y.val Number Waypoint Y coordinate (project units)
waypoints[].z.val Number Waypoint Z coordinate (project units)
waypoints[].break Boolean Is the waypoint break point or not

Response body

Empty body

Delete target line

Delete target line by UUID


$ curl '' -i -X DELETE \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
DELETE /public/api/v1/targetlines/dd4abd50-c41c-458c-8582-3c018b815091 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 47e09c06ddd8efb1

DELETE /public/api/v1/targetlines/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Target line UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

10. Logs

Create lateral log

Create log by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Log name"
POST /public/api/v1/wells/0068e101-6d86-4523-ad75-a2c10d3890a2/logs HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 25

  "name" : "Log name"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 2a941f71bc19e9d2
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "edddb2a8-f205-44dc-b7e0-fd5ad68ab121"

POST /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/logs

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Log name

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created log UUID

Create typewell log

Create log by typewell UUID


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Log name"
POST /public/api/v1/typewells/aba84b73-ae83-43d8-85b4-fca37aba732c/logs HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 25

  "name" : "Log name"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: ce73484a03dfcf9d
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "e1419ad6-3f7b-4d7e-9e36-7f8f9e23c341"

POST /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/logs

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Log name

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created log UUID

Get logs by lateral

Get a list of logs by lateral UUID with pagination. Logs that do not contain data will not be included in the response. After creating the log, you need to fill it with data using the commands Extend log data or Replace log data


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/8741098f-3d35-48be-adc4-d734409fc39d/logs?offset=0&limit=10&filter=mMa HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: f6aac4fe21ae10a1
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "c5b871de-9012-4bb1-b806-d04e3c5ac77a",
    "name" : "Gamma Ray"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/logs

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter logs by the 'name' field. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Log name
content[].uuid String Log UUID

Get logs by typewell

Get a list of logs by typewell UUID with pagination. Logs that do not contain data will not be included in the response. After creating the log, you need to fill it with data using the commands Extend log data or Replace log data


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/typewells/d5cfe514-74e2-43b4-913f-4490989cd20f/logs?offset=0&limit=10&filter=mMa HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 0328557fa41bc9a7
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "6b8869e9-1738-4486-a46e-5279db1ef853",
    "name" : "Gamma Ray"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/logs

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter logs by the 'name' field. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Log name
content[].uuid String Log UUID

Get log data

Get log data by log UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/logs/eed95f44-702c-49d8-88c9-c3f8eefc5bb0/data HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: c1115376a6161be0
Content-Type: application/json

  "log_points" : [ {
    "data" : {
      "val" : -3688.6927
    "md" : {
      "val" : 744.6263999999999
  }, {
    "data" : {
      "val" : 16.581
    "md" : {
      "val" : 744.7787999999999
  }, {
    "data" : {
      "val" : -11.85
    "md" : {
      "val" : 744.9311999999999
  }, {
    "data" : {
      "val" : 15.187
    "md" : {
      "val" : 745.0835999999999
  }, {
    "data" : {
      "val" : -4.363
    "md" : {
      "val" : 745.2359999999999
  }, {
    "data" : {
      "val" : -40.475
    "md" : {
      "val" : 745.3883999999999
  }, {
    "data" : {
      "val" : 61.463
    "md" : {
      "val" : 745.5407999999999
  }, {
    "data" : {
      "val" : 82.305
    "md" : {
      "val" : 745.6931999999999
  }, {
    "data" : {
      "val" : 114.139
    "md" : {
      "val" : 745.8455999999999
  }, {
    "data" : {
      "val" : 144.503
    "md" : {
      "val" : 745.9979999999999
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/logs/{uuid}/data

Path parameter Description
uuid Log UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
log_points Array Points array
log_points[].data Object Point data
log_points[].data.val Number Point data value
log_points[].md Object Point MD
log_points[].md.val Number Point MD value

Update log metadata

Update log metadata


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "Log name"
PATCH /public/api/v1/logs/eed95f44-702c-49d8-88c9-c3f8eefc5bb0 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 25

  "name" : "Log name"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 875dccd661d808ea

PATCH /public/api/v1/logs/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Log UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Log name
unit String Measure unit of point data values related to the log

Response body

Empty body

Extend log data

Extend log data


$ curl '' -i -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "log_points" : [ {
    "value" : {
      "val" : 96.36
    "index" : {
      "val" : 6494.5
  }, {
    "value" : {
      "val" : 16.36
    "index" : {
      "val" : -999.25
  } ],
  "value_unit" : "ft",
  "index_unit" : "ft"
PATCH /public/api/v1/logs/923d920d-9c4f-418d-a323-5433e03c2faa/data HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 256

  "log_points" : [ {
    "value" : {
      "val" : 96.36
    "index" : {
      "val" : 6494.5
  }, {
    "value" : {
      "val" : 16.36
    "index" : {
      "val" : -999.25
  } ],
  "value_unit" : "ft",
  "index_unit" : "ft"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: c164ad7011277d20

PATCH /public/api/v1/logs/{uuid}/data

Path parameter Description
uuid Log UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
index_unit String Measure unit of point MD values related to the log. Accepted values: m, ft
value_unit String Measure unit of point data values related to the log
log_points Array Log points array
log_points[].value.val Number Point data value
log_points[].index.val Number Point MD value

Response body

Empty body

Replace log data

Replace log data


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "log_points" : [ {
    "value" : {
      "val" : 96.36
    "index" : {
      "val" : 6494.5
  }, {
    "value" : {
      "val" : 16.36
    "index" : {
      "val" : -999.25
  } ],
  "value_unit" : "ft",
  "index_unit" : "ft"
PUT /public/api/v1/logs/eed95f44-702c-49d8-88c9-c3f8eefc5bb0/data HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 256

  "log_points" : [ {
    "value" : {
      "val" : 96.36
    "index" : {
      "val" : 6494.5
  }, {
    "value" : {
      "val" : 16.36
    "index" : {
      "val" : -999.25
  } ],
  "value_unit" : "ft",
  "index_unit" : "ft"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 23c49bc5e2a1b63d

PUT /public/api/v1/logs/{uuid}/data

Path parameter Description
uuid Log UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
index_unit String Measure unit of point MD values related to the log. Accepted values: m, ft
value_unit String Measure unit of point data values related to the log
log_points Array Log points array
log_points[].value.val Number Point data value
log_points[].index.val Number Point MD value

Response body

Empty body

11. Images

Create image


$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "image name",
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "bottom_left" : {
    "vs" : {
      "val" : -30.0
    "tvdss" : {
      "val" : -67.0
  "top_right" : {
    "vs" : {
      "val" : 50.0
    "tvdss" : {
      "val" : -50.0
POST /public/api/v1/wells/b6bde0f4-fbf2-4240-881b-f23d77dd66a6/images HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 275

  "name" : "image name",
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "bottom_left" : {
    "vs" : {
      "val" : -30.0
    "tvdss" : {
      "val" : -67.0
  "top_right" : {
    "vs" : {
      "val" : 50.0
    "tvdss" : {
      "val" : -50.0


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 3014f74b988ebefc
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid" : "c5ebefb4-e4f3-458d-995e-4b6a7a2b40ca"

POST /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/images

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Image name
azimuth.val Number Azimuth in degrees image is applicable to. If missed azimuth from lateral will be applied
bottom_left Object Bottom left image anchor point
top_right Object Top right image anchor point
bottom_left.vs.val Number VS point coordinate value in project units
bottom_left.tvdss.val Number TVDSS point coordinate value in project units
top_right.vs.val Number VS point coordinate value in project units
top_right.tvdss.val Number TVDSS point coordinate value in project units

Response body

Path Type Description
uuid String Created image UUID

Update image


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  "name" : "new image name",
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "bottom_left" : {
    "vs" : {
      "val" : -100.0
    "tvdss" : {
      "val" : -50.0
  "top_right" : {
    "vs" : {
      "val" : -50.0
    "tvdss" : {
      "val" : -40.0
PUT /public/api/v1/images/4f7a5e3e-4111-4ed9-8a33-ef13f95dc453 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 281

  "name" : "new image name",
  "azimuth" : {
    "val" : 0.0
  "bottom_left" : {
    "vs" : {
      "val" : -100.0
    "tvdss" : {
      "val" : -50.0
  "top_right" : {
    "vs" : {
      "val" : -50.0
    "tvdss" : {
      "val" : -40.0


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 80f2abfe299944a3

PUT /public/api/v1/images/{uuid}

Path parameter Description
uuid Updated image UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Body field Type Description
name String Image name
azimuth.val Number Azimuth in degrees image is applicable to. If missed azimuth from lateral will be applied
bottom_left Object Bottom left image anchor point
top_right Object Top right image anchor point
bottom_left.vs.val Number VS point coordinate value in project units
bottom_left.tvdss.val Number TVDSS point coordinate value in project units
top_right.vs.val Number VS point coordinate value in project units
top_right.tvdss.val Number TVDSS point coordinate value in project units

Response body

Empty body

Upload image


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: image/png; charset=ISO-8859-1' \
    -d '<binary image data>'
PUT /public/api/v1/images/a1dd196a-e28f-4093-8c12-4edb61334146/data HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: image/png; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Length: 19

<binary image data>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 6994b4233b1cd93a

PUT /public/api/v1/images/{uuid}/data

Path parameter Description
uuid Image UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header
Content-Type Image type. Only 'image/png' is supported at the moment

Response body

Empty body

Upload image (multipart)


$ curl '' -i -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="N841PFHsXZsbHFpygfXLNb5hs7IC0qVbhlM"' \
    -F 'image=<binary image data>;type=image/png'
PUT /public/api/v1/images/35fc29f8-2fda-4f70-99fb-c22db3586ab3/data HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="N841PFHsXZsbHFpygfXLNb5hs7IC0qVbhlM"; boundary=6o2knFse3p53ty9dmcQvWAIx1zInP11uCfbm

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=image
Content-Type: image/png

<binary image data>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: ad8c49ed3088e6c3

PUT /public/api/v1/images/{uuid}/data

Path parameter Description
uuid Image UUID
Part Description
image Request part containing PNG image
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Empty body

12. Mudlogs

Get mudlogs by lateral

Get a list of mudlogs by lateral UUID with pagination. Mudlogs that do not contain data will not be included in the response


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/bfaea9cd-ff46-463f-853d-8983dfb2eca2/mudlogs?offset=0&limit=10&filter=mMa HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 469458d96e34d50c
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "805e39e1-e882-497c-8e15-075ba3dab0a7",
    "name" : "Gamma Ray"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/mudlogs

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter mudlogs by the 'name' field. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Mudlog name
content[].uuid String Mudlog UUID

Get mudlogs by typewell

Get a list of mudlogs by typewell UUID with pagination. Mudlogs that do not contain data will not be included in the response


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/typewells/35432b84-6f4d-4da1-8e77-2870df4853d5/mudlogs?offset=0&limit=10&filter=mMa HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 8bb8204f11a09838
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "1612b483-1455-4310-8987-d2a7f7116cc1",
    "name" : "Gamma Ray"
  } ],
  "offset" : 0,
  "limit" : 10,
  "total" : 1,
  "first" : true,
  "last" : true

GET /public/api/v1/typewells/{uuid}/mudlogs

Path parameter Description
uuid Typewell UUID
Parameter Description
offset Index of the first record to return by a request from the list of all records
limit Maximum number of records to return by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
filter Filter mudlogs by the 'name' field. Case insensitive.
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Content array
offset Number Index of the first record returned by a request from the list of all records
limit Number Maximum number of records returned by a request from the list of all records, starting with 'offset'
total Number Total number of records
first Boolean true if the current records range is the first, otherwise – false
last Boolean true if the current records range is the last, otherwise – false
content[].name String Mudlog name
content[].uuid String Mudlog UUID

Get mudlog data

Get a list of mudlogs by typewell UUID with pagination


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/mudlogs/fcbad309-91cc-4522-a6be-f2ed38a321c7/data HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: c058e3283862159a
Content-Type: application/json

  "logs" : [ {
    "log_points" : [ {
      "data" : {
        "val" : -3688.6927
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2443.0
    }, {
      "data" : {
        "val" : 16.581
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2443.5
    }, {
      "data" : {
        "val" : -11.85
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2444.0
    }, {
      "data" : {
        "val" : 15.187
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2444.5
    }, {
      "data" : {
        "val" : -4.363
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2445.0
    }, {
      "data" : {
        "val" : -40.475
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2445.5
    }, {
      "data" : {
        "val" : 61.463
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2446.0
    }, {
      "data" : {
        "val" : 82.305
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2446.5
    }, {
      "data" : {
        "val" : 114.139
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2447.0
    }, {
      "data" : {
        "val" : 144.503
      "md" : {
        "val" : 2447.5
    } ],
    "name" : "Gzipped Mudlog",
    "uuid" : "d4f2af81-db9b-4a0f-aebd-ae959e74020c"
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/mudlogs/{uuid}/data

Path parameter Description
uuid Mudlog UUID
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
logs[].uuid String Log UUID
logs[].name String Log name
logs[].log_points[].md.val Number MD (project units)
logs[].log_points[].data.val Number Data value

13. Drilling traces

Get traces collection

Get the list of predefined traces


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/traces HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 511cf29df8d286c4
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "f18afa65-7b06-4f6a-9494-746b3f10272f",
    "name" : "Axial Shock"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "97e29152-c59d-4055-b7e3-7d823e3eb122",
    "name" : "Axial Vibration"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "a415fee9-3992-4915-9ba2-262b084500f9",
    "name" : "Azimuth"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "f93bf5a7-9755-4163-9c44-6d107967db4b",
    "name" : "Bit depth"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "508ac83a-8d7e-45e6-b8c7-be7aa5dccbec",
    "name" : "Bit Depth Vertical"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "6a300b55-f00c-49ff-926a-7654a18731b2",
    "name" : "Bit on Bottom"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "cbfc47a9-4bb0-4a69-9747-136b5b5fa453",
    "name" : "Block position"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "1690e9e7-3c19-4053-8788-6935a0b2d034",
    "name" : "Block Velocity"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "19d0f8f5-fd1c-41f8-86c4-939a5dada63e",
    "name" : "Caliper"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "e5145f9f-e946-432c-ab0b-6bf0fbe9188c",
    "name" : "Casing Pressure"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "cc9ad146-13ae-4127-801c-4a689be7487d",
    "name" : "Choke Pressure"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "274c2682-91d7-4a31-b0e3-8928ef561f0a",
    "name" : "Circulation hours"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "b7f8a98c-e6b5-46cf-ac77-fcb2a52588f8",
    "name" : "Collar RPM"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "512cf80d-8872-435f-8e88-bed593b12670",
    "name" : "Cont Azimuth"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "a3fcfa5d-8881-499d-91e8-48a7b3dc2215",
    "name" : "Cont Inclination"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "e1f88165-de61-4da0-be1a-ce2d9d788cf3",
    "name" : "D-exponent"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "fd5fdd95-2cd8-4879-8403-2509ee3f66ee",
    "name" : "Density"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "544e3dd7-1464-4196-825b-b4da1085e4ff",
    "name" : "Depth of Cut"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "5e3a4999-9c76-4857-8cbf-eccf51539bbf",
    "name" : "Differential Pressure"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "2fd13e54-cfb7-477a-9c56-55c20b2cadb8",
    "name" : "Dip Angle"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "15be30d7-5ade-4595-ba27-e5ce9d1bf83e",
    "name" : "Downhole MSE"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "1e96aa39-75b9-4990-8042-a02a61a08646",
    "name" : "Downhole TQ"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "627bb479-067b-4e60-b4de-7679c48c6d0f",
    "name" : "Downhole WOB"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "78b342b0-ec47-4d9b-ae3a-0df49448c1ec",
    "name" : "PWD ECD"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "992a7d4e-f854-424d-911a-c674ef8e87f4",
    "name" : "Flow Out %"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "bda8a0dd-ced2-46bd-a82a-1db75b62653c",
    "name" : "Gamma Ray"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "cf0042b1-9c10-4eca-8aa6-3954147f4fad",
    "name" : "Total Gas"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "45fbab1e-efb3-420d-9786-6f3d6f2214ed",
    "name" : "Gas C1"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "fb2bceaf-d7c6-4921-b20b-1f6152f57060",
    "name" : "Gas C2"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "643fbb3b-fe7f-4fda-a276-295fc65ceb67",
    "name" : "Gas C3"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "cb23ab73-57c3-4344-af71-4a1c60cc024c",
    "name" : "Gas C4"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "20853910-11ea-46fb-b3a7-582e63625085",
    "name" : "Gas C5"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "5525d952-8db1-4641-b2fa-18fd185b7c9d",
    "name" : "Gas CO2"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "3ed2dacd-93ac-4e38-95ed-0a7b8b82c60e",
    "name" : "Gas H2S"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Gas iso-C4"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Gas iso-C5"
  }, {
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  }, {
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    "name" : "Gas nor-C5"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Gravity Total"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "f86e140e-b5d0-4b5f-98de-951200fd8038",
    "name" : "GTF"
  }, {
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  }, {
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    "name" : "Hole Depth Vertical"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Hookload"
  }, {
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    "name" : "In Slips"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Inclination"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Lateral Vibration"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Magnetic Field"
  }, {
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  }, {
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    "name" : "MTF"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Flow In Rate"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Flow Out Rate"
  }, {
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    "name" : "Mud Weight In"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "999d98fd-b761-488f-9af8-dca909ec7bd8",
    "name" : "Mud Weight Out"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "101c98d0-2643-4b75-8012-738faa9025f7",
    "name" : "MWD Turbine RPM"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "92e27c5f-3277-4a5c-a478-b9a989944671",
    "name" : "On bottom hours"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "5f527ef9-c86b-4e55-84c0-2b8df74de1c1",
    "name" : "Oscillate status"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "b7f3fdd3-ad94-4aa4-8e94-50f5ad4dee29",
    "name" : "Pit 1 Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "f1b5479f-4488-47fe-9338-12591f2d48f9",
    "name" : "Pit 2 Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "e5568169-182c-466e-99e0-6957159fe08c",
    "name" : "Pit 3 Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "2f03c515-d6ff-41be-b7d4-83a77c13e6c3",
    "name" : "Pit 4 Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "18accea3-a188-4189-bec9-3e78a207591e",
    "name" : "Pit 5 Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "cce31e79-5444-4e8d-bcae-774314ac6958",
    "name" : "Pit 6 Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "278c87fd-7b22-4118-8b12-84d6474cff5d",
    "name" : "Pit 7 Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "45b1afbb-6d6c-4db5-93ff-0ffa94b802da",
    "name" : "Pit 8 Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "ce850617-0391-4346-8834-1449a32722df",
    "name" : "Pump 1 Cumulative Strokes"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "27a591db-8db8-4148-9115-49d5df10ac7e",
    "name" : "Pump 1 Mud Flow In"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "328949d9-a0db-41fa-9c84-4064137315c7",
    "name" : "Pump 2 Cumulative Strokes"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "5286505c-c31c-4bb8-b3c7-f0900cce9fba",
    "name" : "Pump 2 Mud Flow In"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "a3ddb237-cd23-4f5d-999f-2a3e9f6821ee",
    "name" : "Pump 3 Cumulative Strokes"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "1e15c542-3673-4140-8165-1ad534e2b3dc",
    "name" : "Pump 3 Mud Flow In"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "30ad129a-4854-4bb5-8e1d-3c9065605fe2",
    "name" : "Pump Stroke Count"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "8f46e726-06b1-4c71-b638-203868bc4451",
    "name" : "PWD Annular Pressure"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "4265ba32-99d0-490b-a1a1-b8798206a82a",
    "name" : "Rate of Penetration Instantaneous"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "c4d4b89e-5e6c-404f-9d8d-5ca8b2c26885",
    "name" : "Resistivity"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "78334ca1-783e-4dc3-9f86-c86c391d6bac",
    "name" : "Rig State"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "b68b2510-7858-4dcb-b242-57fcd584e0aa",
    "name" : "ROP"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "f4b9e8ea-ada1-4aaf-b638-064916ece1d3",
    "name" : "RSS Toolface"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "f49024eb-cdf9-42a4-beca-974dc8348281",
    "name" : "Lateral Shock"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "98e64813-b867-400a-be7c-a8f31cb56047",
    "name" : "SPM1"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "9f50ec96-0d33-46c2-8b11-c1628fe39658",
    "name" : "SPM2"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "52a79823-4947-4796-b423-545ccd8194b6",
    "name" : "SPM3"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "0f936580-1edd-449c-b760-9142097dfec6",
    "name" : "SPM Total"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "f764306b-302e-4500-8518-4f149f839a85",
    "name" : "Standpipe Pressure"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "3d1105fa-a8de-4e54-981f-105b75142937",
    "name" : "StickSlip"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "30652f8a-15d2-4a10-9e86-2943a7bd5687",
    "name" : "Surface RPM"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "de8ce461-cf26-4e38-ac68-e2e228c331ab",
    "name" : "Surface Torque"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "8b6023ce-d4d7-46be-b9e1-d9ebc92b2711",
    "name" : "Surface Torque Max"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "354dbda4-8dc0-40e8-9723-8b63b794a003",
    "name" : "Survey MD"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "7a76ccd8-e64f-4155-9184-d5f66ac3a58a",
    "name" : "Temperature In"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "9d444b75-4c6b-496c-a945-f75f003e7a0a",
    "name" : "Temperature Out"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "ac3cc40c-6055-4efa-a4fa-6a9f787bcd9d",
    "name" : "Tool Temperature"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "957a4437-2806-43d6-9b2e-2fdb612be1de",
    "name" : "Torsional Vibration"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "f0ad751b-5c66-4961-b6b9-965b282d38d8",
    "name" : "Total MSE"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "5a89a54f-3c8e-40c9-8fae-fdb7437b8adb",
    "name" : "Bit RPM"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "6565f21c-0d1e-4ce6-bbcf-da4b7900f2f4",
    "name" : "Total Tank Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "86e72bb4-8f89-405b-855b-117e6fdf5f24",
    "name" : "Total Volume Active"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "92e712cc-2fe4-4ebe-967c-603828f1bea5",
    "name" : "Trip Speed"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "107b71c0-ebe1-484f-91c3-c5f57a5ee2ba",
    "name" : "Trip Tank Volume"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "7392915c-10e3-4bd0-8717-3efd4eb2943f",
    "name" : "Time of Penetration"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "5ab9a650-9ccc-4709-a76e-10d5d3ede25a",
    "name" : "RSS Steering Ratio"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "44596b6b-f833-4299-aaf7-519c7b27e8e1",
    "name" : "WOB"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "8595db67-37e0-4389-8f29-6753c9a9e2f7",
    "name" : "WOB Max"
  }, {
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    "name" : "X Accelerometer"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "05c50fad-d7e0-4752-be56-9c610c86e246",
    "name" : "X Magnetometer"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "1ceca6eb-2b67-4015-8930-8f4f64578bba",
    "name" : "Y Accelerometer"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "87cbf376-966b-4252-8368-0428bbeccf7a",
    "name" : "Y Magnetometer"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "8d4a8cb5-80cc-46fa-83c6-783c21598014",
    "name" : "Z Accelerometer"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "4fbd96a1-8606-4067-8b7f-c92a4f8d777d",
    "name" : "Z Magnetometer"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "c6e1722b-2a02-4470-b2d7-bf00f5506719",
    "name" : "Depth of Cut"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "89e07b1a-d50e-4b99-ada9-023f784767d8",
    "name" : "Downhole MSE"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "a1a0e98e-9e28-438e-9c7e-254e68d0c636",
    "name" : "Total MSE"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "5fe2a454-86ad-4fdc-abbf-686e4f67a4fa",
    "name" : "Trip Out: Connection"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "f65f24d3-a306-4a1c-9765-5b8359aed7c3",
    "name" : "Trip Out: Running"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "43b1d9c6-4420-4866-9c1f-c3f9d1d5f543",
    "name" : "Weight to Weight"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "e3c996b6-9cdb-4876-ac99-0aab694b801a",
    "name" : "Rig Activity"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "6906b6ba-5ad3-4df7-8176-dbc844d02d54",
    "name" : "Slide Sheet"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "0cc5b768-8a11-4e11-9ef2-135344f7b1a2",
    "name" : "RSS DLink"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "07700dd6-bdaf-477a-8b79-c48631b653d6",
    "name" : "RSS Desired TF"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "36f79b61-728b-4524-bc87-b2d97f558be2",
    "name" : "RSS Target Inclination"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "89211184-204e-4f3d-a655-bc742743ccf4",
    "name" : "RSS Target Azimuth"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "6ea4cf91-c576-4941-9515-25fec2014f6d",
    "name" : "RSS Status Word 1"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "3677c17f-bad2-44ca-95bb-6265b9898965",
    "name" : "RSS Status Word 2"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "d2271377-87d2-49b3-b40c-c4fb91d55c37",
    "name" : "RSS Status Word 3"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "b673ea0c-eee0-49b4-99ce-8bb8843365f2",
    "name" : "Zeroed WOB"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "d181ddaf-7921-476a-a45c-fc3206a07198",
    "name" : "Zeroed Differential Pressure"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "2adc5cd8-a1de-48ca-916a-3236ed6ece9a",
    "name" : "Trip Out: Reaming"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "2326a7a3-bb68-4924-a9e5-a16b7b87d192",
    "name" : "Trip In: Reaming"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "ab7e5866-a3da-4e6c-b584-523799719b34",
    "name" : "Slip to slip"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "eb85cf68-047e-43b0-bbbb-75548c8e700e",
    "name" : "Trip In: Connection"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "fed6681e-1f21-466c-bf91-55fed528a07d",
    "name" : "Trip In: Running"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "db16f0ac-2c69-4237-933d-7f6ce24fa1dc",
    "name" : "Trip In: Washing"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "08e28406-7ade-4fb2-8dca-1628936f2b36",
    "name" : "Trip Out: Washing"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "f09337a9-ca89-411d-a2e6-aad17746b4ee",
    "name" : "Slack off & Drag"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "bf7c700d-de08-41c5-b20b-cb32d649d8e8",
    "name" : "Erratic Torque"
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/traces

Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Traces collection
content[].uuid String Trace UUID
content[].name String Trace name

Get mapped time traces by lateral

Get the list of mapped time traces by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/bb9540a4-3876-4c59-b765-1d0bff1d5230/traces/mapped?type=TIME HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: abed349e8c89bb03
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "f93bf5a7-9755-4163-9c44-6d107967db4b",
    "name" : "Bit depth",
    "hash" : "3d0d834e3c7901332352c5340b6822a4",
    "unit" : "m",
    "null_value" : "-999.25",
    "start_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:00Z",
    "last_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:50:00Z"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "d635c218-3d17-4f5d-98b4-026085c4f584",
    "name" : "Hole Depth",
    "hash" : "33cdf8bf5a941be562d75a4c0f1e9027",
    "unit" : "m",
    "null_value" : "-999.25",
    "start_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:00Z",
    "last_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:50:00Z"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "dfdf09da-5be0-495f-b802-15840ce93066",
    "name" : "Hookload",
    "hash" : "a630992da08b56e0b1e23e8584c06e24",
    "unit" : "N",
    "null_value" : "-999.25",
    "start_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:00Z",
    "last_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:50:00Z"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "702c9494-7666-435f-ad46-9c6a3f24faa3",
    "name" : "Flow In Rate",
    "hash" : "7918376309abd323ea6c5e0c1ca0b873",
    "unit" : "m3/s",
    "null_value" : "-999.25",
    "start_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:00Z",
    "last_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:50:00Z"
  }, {
    "uuid" : "30652f8a-15d2-4a10-9e86-2943a7bd5687",
    "name" : "Surface RPM",
    "hash" : "51c6ff0063c468941857f55e17ffe27e",
    "unit" : "1/s",
    "null_value" : "-999.25",
    "start_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:00Z",
    "last_date_time_index" : "2020-12-29T08:50:00Z"
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/traces/mapped

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
type Trace type: TIME/CALC
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Mapped traces
content[].uuid String Trace UUID
content[].name String Trace name
content[].hash String Trace hash
content[].unit String Curve UOM related to Trace
content[].null_value String Null value
content[].start_date_time_index String Start date time index
content[].last_date_time_index String Last date time index

Get mapped depth traces by lateral

Get the list of mapped depth traces by lateral UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/bb9540a4-3876-4c59-b765-1d0bff1d5230/traces/mapped?type=DEPTH HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: 3e2aef4b91ea01da
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "uuid" : "d635c218-3d17-4f5d-98b4-026085c4f584",
    "name" : "Hole Depth",
    "hash" : "aa0cbe5c8f5b15909e52d50f0eeb685c",
    "unit" : "m",
    "index_unit" : "m",
    "null_value" : "-999.25",
    "start_depth_index" : 1.0,
    "last_depth_index" : 4.0
  } ]

GET /public/api/v1/wells/{uuid}/traces/mapped

Path parameter Description
uuid Lateral UUID
Parameter Description
type Trace type: DEPTH
Header Description
Authorization OAuth2 authorization header

Response body

Path Type Description
content Array Mapped traces
content[].uuid String Trace UUID
content[].name String Trace name
content[].hash String Trace hash
content[].unit String Curve UOM related to Trace
content[].index_unit String Index curve UOM of a Log related to Trace
content[].null_value String Null value
content[].start_depth_index Number Start depth index
content[].last_depth_index Number Last depth index

Get time series data by lateral and trace

Get time series data by lateral UUID and mapped trace UUID


$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>'
GET /public/api/v1/wells/bb9540a4-3876-4c59-b765-1d0bff1d5230/traces/d635c218-3d17-4f5d-98b4-026085c4f584/data/time?from=2020-12-29T08%3A00%3A00Z&to=2020-12-29T08%3A50%3A00Z HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Solo-Trace-Id: bb3f42487472cd52
Content-Type: application/json

  "content" : [ {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:00Z",
    "value" : "20341.2"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:01Z",
    "value" : "20341.2"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:02Z",
    "value" : "20341.2"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:03Z",
    "value" : "20341.2"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:04Z",
    "value" : "20341.2"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:05Z",
    "value" : "20341.2"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:06Z",
    "value" : "20341.2"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:07Z",
    "value" : "20341.3"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:08Z",
    "value" : "20341.3"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:09Z",
    "value" : "20341.3"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:10Z",
    "value" : "20341.3"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:11Z",
    "value" : "20341.3"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:12Z",
    "value" : "20341.3"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:13Z",
    "value" : "20341.3"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:14Z",
    "value" : "20341.3"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:15Z",
    "value" : "20341.3"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:16Z",
    "value" : "20341.4"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:17Z",
    "value" : "20341.4"
  }, {
    "index" : "2020-12-29T08:00:18Z",
    "value" : "20341.4"
  }, {
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